Перегляд за автором "Borovlev, V.I."

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Dikiy, N.P.; Gabelkov, S.V.; Dovbnya, A.N.; Lyashko, Yu.V.; Medvedeva, E.P.; Saenko, S.Yu.; Surkov, A.E.; Tarasov, V.V.; Uvarov, V.L.; Fedorets, I.D.; Holomeev, G.A.; Borovlev, V.I.; Zabolotny, V.D.; Medvedev, D.V. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2006)
    Nuclear reactions ¹³³Cs(γ,n)¹³²Cs, ¹²⁷I(γ,n)¹²⁶I were utilized for research of Cs and I diffusion in glassceramic matrices. The glassceramic matrix was manufactured with the help of hot isostatic pressing at 910°C and ...
  • Dikiy, N.P.; Borovlev, V.I.; Zabolotny, V.D.; Lyashko, Yu.V.; Medvedeva, Y.P.; Slabospitsky, R.P.; Fedorets, I.D.; Shlyakhov, N.A. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2001)
    A summary of the analysis noble and rare metals by combined methods is presented. The electrodeposition of gold at a carbon film and Rutherford backscattering was used for determination its in ores. The sorbents and particle ...
  • Dikiy, N.P.; Dyachenko, A.F.; Lyashko, Yu.V.; Medvedeva, E.P.; Uvarov, V.L.; Borovlev, V.I. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2009)
    Possibilities of the use of nuclear-physical methods for definition of element composition of biological objects (hair of animals) with the target of receipt of additional evidentiary information at the decision of diagnostics ...
  • Dikiy, N.P.; Lyashko, Yu.V.; Medvedeva, E.P.; Borovlev, V.I.; Zabolotny, V.D.; Medvedev, D.V.; Pilipenko, N.I.; Starenky, V.P.; Suhina, E.N. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2009)
    Determination of the element contents in the biological samples (blood, serum of blood, hair) of patients with the diagnosis of lung cancer III degree is carried out during beam therapy. The method of PIXE excited by ...
  • Dikiy, N.P.; Dovbnya, A.N.; Lyashko, Yu.V.; Меdvedeva, Е.P.; Sayenko, S.Yu.; Uvarov, V.L.; Fedorets, I.D.; Меdvedev, D.V.; Borovlev, V.I.; Zabolotny, V.D. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2004)
    The diffusion of cerium and uranium was investigated in glass ceramic matrices obtained in the gasostat. For activation of isotopes ¹⁴⁰´¹⁴²Се and ²³⁸U the brake radiation from electrons of the linear accelerator was used. ...