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Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Solyakov, D.G.; Volkova, Yu.Ye.; Garkusha, I.E.; Marchenko, A.K.; Ladygina, M.S.; Staltsov, V.V.; Petrov, Yu.V.; Chebotarev, V.V.; Merenkova, T.M.; Makhlai, V.A.; Yeliseyev, D.V. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2021)
    The local electron temperature measurements with the double electric probe in the compression zone are presented. Electric probes make it possible to measure the electron temperature with a reasonably good spatial resolution. ...
  • Nazarenko, L.A.; Zubkov, D.P. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2015)
    Proposed and implemented a method for measuring LEDs, which is based on self-calibration of the LED goniophotometer facility by using a trap-detector. Designed and manufactured automated goniophotometer, which provides a ...
  • Kovtun, Yu.V.; Skibenko, A.I.; Skibenko, E.I.; Yuferov, V.B. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2015)
    The paper presents the experimental evidence of two modes of pulsed discharge burning in the Penning cell. The modes have different values of maximally reached plasma density and its dynamics change.
  • Kiselev, V.A.; Linnik, A.F.; Onishchenko, I.N.; Uskov, V.V. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2007)
    The device for measuring intensity of wakefield, excited in plasma by a sequence of bunches of relativistic electrons is presented. Field amplitude is determined by measuring deflection of a probing electron beam (10 keV, ...
  • Burdeinyi, D.; Brudvik, J.; Ganenko, V.; Hansen, K.; Fissum, K.; Isaksson, L.; Livingston, K.; Lundin, M.; Nilsson, B.; Schroder, B. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2015)
    The paper considers the results of experiments on the reactions ¹²C(γ, p)¹¹B and d(γ, p)n in the energy range of tagged photons 35...80 MeV. Demonstrated the possibility identification of protons by ΔE - E using CsI/SSD ...
  • Murtazin, R.T.; Khodyachikh, A.F. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2009)
    The two-body photodisintegration of 4He was investigated. The dependence of expansion coe±cients hard error on the histogram bin, the angle measurement precision and coordinate position where fitting function is calculated, ...
  • Lobko, A.K.; Trubchaninov, S.A.; Tsarenko, A.V. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2002)
    In the paper we discuss the experimental results of powerful plasma-stream interaction with aluminum target at the presence of the magnetic field. The plasma streams are generated by a quasi-stationary plasma accelerator ...
  • Skibenko, A.I.; Berezhniy, V.L.; Pavlichenko, O.S.; Ocheretenko, V.L.; Pinos, I.B.; Prokopenko, A.V.; Tarasov, I.K.; Tsybenko, S.A.; Volkov, E.D. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2005)
    Studies of fluctuating plasma rotation by means of correlation and Doppler microwave reflectometry in the Uragan- 3M torsatron were carried out. The application of two methods makes it possible to broaden the information ...
  • Petrov, L.Yu.; Voivach, O.E.; Nesterov, N.S. (Кинематика и физика небесных тел, 2001)
    Estimates of the horizontal velocity of the radioastronomical station Simeiz were obtained using VLSI observations made under geodynamics programs during the years 1994—2000. The complete set of 3 million VLBI observations ...
  • Kubančák, J.; Molokanov, A.G. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2013)
    Biological action of ionizing radiation can be described using the quantity called the Linear Energy Transfer (LET). The LET belongs to one of most important radiobiological quantities. In our paper, we focused on measurement ...
  • Grekov, D.L; Tretiak, K.K.; Berezhnyj, V.L.; Filippov, V.V. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2012)
    The basic idea of this work is simultaneous using of O- and X-modes for determination in torsatron not only average plasma density but density profile, too. The dual polarization interferometer was placed very close to E-E ...
  • Brotankova, J.; Adamek, J.; Martines, E.; Stockel, J.; Spolaore, M.; Cavazzana, R.; Serianni, G.; Vianello, N.; Zuin, M. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2009)
    The ball-pen probe (BPP) is an innovative electric probe for direct measurements of the plasma potential. This probe was developed in IPP Prague and it is based on the Katsumata probe concept. Combined measurements of the ...
  • Jakubowski, L.; Sadowski, M.J. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2005)
    A dense plasma column, which is formed by a pulsed discharge within facilities of the Plasma-Focus (PF) type, is a source of the intense X-ray emission, pulsed electron beams and ion streams. Investigation of the electron ...
  • Ivanov, B.I.; Prishchepov, V.P. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2003)
    Necessity of contactless measuring small electron concentrations is actual, for example, in cosmic explorations, beam physics, electronics, etc. We found experimentally that the RF resonator with special periodic slow wave ...
  • Baron, D.I.; Chernyshenko, V.Ya.; Korovin, V.B.; Kramskoy, E.D.; Maznichenko, S.M.; Shtan, A.F.; Solodovchenko, S.I. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2013)
    An experiment on chamber RF cleaning for 12 hours a day during 2 weeks with the subsequent vacuum pumping out was carried out. The plasma was produced by the UHF generator with the frequency of 2.4 GHz. Afterwards, the VHF ...
  • Smorodina, N.V. (2008)
    Let ξ(t), t belongs [0, 1], be a jump Levy process. By Pξ, we denote the law of ξ in the Skorokhod space D[0, 1]. Under some conditions on the Levy measure of the process, we construct the group of Pξ preserving transformations ...
  • Novak, S.Y (2007)
    The problem of particular importance in financial risk management is forecasting the magnitude of a market crash. We address this problem using statistical inference on heavy–tailed distributions. Our approach involves ...
  • Finkelshtein, D.L. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2009)
    We study the measures on the configuration spaces of particles of two types. Gibbs measures on such spaces are described. Main properties of corresponding relative energy densities and correlation functions are considered. In ...
  • Lord, S.; Sukochev, F. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2010)
    The integral in noncommutative geometry (NCG) involves a non-standard trace called a Dixmier trace. The geometric origins of this integral are well known. From a measure-theoretic view, however, the formulation contains ...
  • Skorokhod, A.V. (Український математичний журнал, 1997)
    We consider the class of continuous measure-valued processes {μ t } on a finite-dimensional Euclidean space X for which ∫fd μ t is a semimartingale with absolutely continuous characteristics with respect to t for all f:X→R ...