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Перегляд Кинематика и физика небесных тел, 2005 (том 21) за темою "MS2: Physics of Solar Atmosphere"

Репозиторій DSpace/Manakin

Перегляд Кинематика и физика небесных тел, 2005 (том 21) за темою "MS2: Physics of Solar Atmosphere"

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Kostik, R.I.; Khomenko, E.V. (Кинематика и физика небесных тел, 2005)
    We report thermodynamical properties of so-called “thermal plume” observed near the solar disc centre in 2001. The spectral observations of two iron lines analysed were obtained with the use of the Vacuum Tower Telescope ...
  • Lozitska, N.I. (Кинематика и физика небесных тел, 2005)
    The data on measurements of sunspot magnetic fields Bsp and near-ground temperature T on the Earth from 1924 to 2004 are analysed. A reliable positive correlation between these parameters is found. The correlation is ...
  • Venglinsky, E.R.; Kostenko, L.M. (Кинематика и физика небесных тел, 2005)
    A spectrum of a bright prominence on April 1, 1970 is analysed. The prominence partly projected onto the solar disc near the limb where many emissive spectral lines were observed. The spectral intensity distributions in ...
  • Kasinskii, V.; Kasinskaia, L.I. (Кинематика и физика небесных тел, 2005)
    The angular velocities of chromosphere and photosphere are calculated for 1987–1990 on the basis of heliographic coordinates of the chromospheric flares and sunspots (Solar Geophysical Data). The time resolution accepted ...
  • Brayko, P.G. (Кинематика и физика небесных тел, 2005)
    A scenario of evolution of the large-scale magnetic fields in the Sun is proposed. The analysed models of the Sun allow one to accept the shearing of the poloidal field by differential rotation, helical turbulence and also ...
  • Kostik, R.I. (Кинематика и физика небесных тел, 2005)
    The granulation brightnesses and convective velocities in the solar photosphere between the levels of formation of the continuum radiation and the temperature minimum are examined. The properties of the brightness and ...
  • Kostik, R.I.; Osipov, S.N.; Khomenko, E.V.; Lebedev, N.I. (Кинематика и физика небесных тел, 2005)
    We give a preliminary report on the observations of solar irradiance fluctuations with the DIFOS photometer aboard the Russian–Ukrainian satellite CORONAS-F launched in 2001. In addition, the parallel ground-based spectral ...
  • Lozitska, N.I. (Кинематика и физика небесных тел, 2005)
    Some results of analysis of sunspot magnetic fields, including data from published papers (1000 measurements performed at the Mount Wilson National Observatory during 1924–1956) and data from various databases (20 000 ...
  • Leiko, U.M. (Кинематика и физика небесных тел, 2005)
    Some results of investigations of solar and interplanetary magnetic fields are presented. The time series of the solar background magnetic field (SBMF) of ±20 degree for 1904–2000, solar mean magnetic field (SMMF) for ...
  • Kondrashova, N. (Кинематика и физика небесных тел, 2005)
    Some spectra of a flaring active region were derived with the solar horizontal telescope ATsU-26 at the Terskol Observatory. Some properties of the photospheric velocity field of a bright plage are studied. The measurements ...
  • Lozitsky, V.G.; Lozitska, N.I. (Кинематика и физика небесных тел, 2005)
    We investigate the X17.2/4B solar flare of October 28, 2003 which has been occupying the third place among X-ray fluxes since 1975. The echelle Zeeman spectrograms obtained at the Kyiv University Astronomical Observatory ...
  • Kurochka, E.V.; Lozitsky, V.G. (Кинематика и физика небесных тел, 2005)
    We present the semi-empirical model of a powerful solar flare on July 19, 2000 based on spectral observations in the Fe I, Fe II, Cr I, and Ti II lines. Our calculations show the existence of a very narrow (≤ 100 km) and ...
  • Kryvodubskyj, V.N. (Кинематика и физика небесных тел, 2005)
    Magnetic buoyancy constrains the magnitude of toroidal field excited by the Ω-effect near the bottom of the solar convection zone (SCZ). Therefore, we examined two negative magnetic buoyancy effects: i) macroscopic turbulent ...
  • Kyzyurov, Yu.V. (Кинематика и физика небесных тел, 2005)
    We consider the formation of plasma-density fluctuations by non-thermal motions of gas near the temperature minimum of the solar atmosphere. For the inertial wavenumber range of turbulent velocity field of gas, an analytic ...
  • Kobylinski, Z.; Ajabshirizadeh, A.; Wysokinski, A. (Кинематика и физика небесных тел, 2005)
    Three-dimensional steady state transport equation of galactic cosmic rays with drift included is solved by means of newly achieved Fortran code in two cases: 1) Fisk’s type of heliospheric magnetic field dominates in the ...
  • Kobylinski, Z.; Baranska, A.; Ajabshirizadeh, A. (Кинематика и физика небесных тел, 2005)
    We examine four long-term databases of monthly means of the whole disc green coronal brightness which cover the period of the last five and a half solar cycles to verify them, and compare their usefulness, as indices ...
  • Gopasyuk, O.S.; Gopasyuk, S.I. (Кинематика и физика небесных тел, 2005)
    The analysis of observed velocity fields in sunspots shows that the plasma motions above a sunspot umbra do not agree with the equation of continuity. We assumed that in the temperature minimum region above a sunspot umbra ...
  • Kobylinski, Z.; Trebicka, R.; Izdebska, I. (Кинематика и физика небесных тел, 2005)
    We examine long-term series of IHV and C9 geomagnetic indices calculated from the data derived during the 20th century in St.-Petersburg, Pavlovsk, Swider, Cheltenham, Fredericksburg, Kakioka, and Honolulu in order to ...
  • Kryvodubskyj, V.N. (Кинематика и физика небесных тел, 2005)
    In order to extend the abilities of the αΩ-dynamo model to explain the observed regularities and anomalies of the solar magnetic activity, the magnetic quenching of the α-effect were included in the model, and newest ...
  • Stodilka, M.I. (Кинематика и физика небесных тел, 2005)
    Space-time variations of solar atmosphere parameters are derived by solving non-equilibrium radiation transfer problem. Acoustic oscillations were extracted using k − ω filtration of variations. In the lower photosphere ...


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