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Перегляд Доповіді Національної академії наук України за назвою

Репозиторій DSpace/Manakin

Перегляд Доповіді Національної академії наук України за назвою

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Kurdachenko, L.A.; Pypka, A.A.; Subbotin, I.Ya. (Доповіді НАН України, 2020)
    We investigate the influence of some natural types of subgroups on the structure of groups. A subgroup H of a group G is called contranormal in G, if G = H^G. A subgroup H of a group G is called core-free in G, if CoreG(H) ...
  • Kurdachenko, L.A.; Subbotin, I.Ya.; Yashchuk, V.S. (Доповіді НАН України, 2020)
    A subalgebra S of a Leibniz algebra L is called a contraideal, if an ideal, generated by S coincides with L. We study the Leibniz algebras, whose subalgebras are either an ideal or a contraideal. Let L be an algebra over ...
  • Tushev, A.V. (Доповіді НАН України, 2019)
    We develop some methods for studying the modules over group rings, which are based on properties of induced modules and on the embedding of these modules in the modules over rings of quotients of group rings. Using these ...
  • Kurdachenko, L.A.; Subbotin, I.Ya.; Yashchuk, V.S. (Доповіді НАН України, 2017)
    We obtain a description of solvable Leibniz algebras, whose subideals are ideals. A description of certain types of Leibniz T-algebras is also obtained. In particular, it is established that the structure of Leibniz ...
  • Ustimenko, V.A. (Доповіді НАН України, 2018)
    We propose an algorithm of generation of the stable families of bijective polynomial maps f(n) of the n-dimensional affine space over a commutative ring K together with their inverse transformations. All maps are given ...
  • Polak, M.; Ustimenko, V.A. (Доповіді НАН України, 2014)
    A method of construction of new examples of families of expander graphs of unbounded degree is presented. The property of being an expander seems significant in many of these mathematical, computational, and physical ...
  • Romańczuk-Polubiec, U.; Ustimenko, V.A. (Доповіді НАН України, 2015)
    A new key exchange protocol formulated in terms of multivariate cryptography and based on the elaboration of a common walk in the linguistic graph by correspondents is proposed. This algorithm is described in details in ...
  • Ustimenko, V.A. (Доповіді НАН України, 2017)
    We propose new multivariate cryptosystems over an n-dimensional free module over the arithmetical ring Zm based on the idea of hidden discrete logarithm for Z*m. These cryptosystems are based on the hidden Eulerian ...
  • Ustimenko, V.O. (Доповіді НАН України, 2022)
    New explicit constructions of infinite families of finite small world graphs of large girth with well-defined projective limits which is an infinite tree are described. The applications of these objects to constructions ...
  • Ustimenko, V.A. (Доповіді НАН України, 2018)
    Multivariate cryptosystems are divided into public rules, for which tools of encryption are open for users and systems of the El Gamal type, for which the encryption function is not given in public, and, for its generation, ...
  • Gutlyanskiĭ, V.Ya.; Nesmelova, O.V.; Ryazanov, V.I. (Доповіді НАН України, 2019)
    We study the Dirichlet problem for the semilinear partial differential equations div (A∇u) = f (u) in simply connected domains D of the complex plane C with continuous boundary data. We prove the existence of the weak ...
  • Mikhailets, V.A.; Skorobohach, T.V. (Доповіді НАН України, 2020)
    We investigate the most general class of Fredholm one-dimensional boundary-value problems in the Sobolev—Slobodetskiy spaces. Boundary conditions of these problems may contain a derivative of the whole or fractional order. ...
  • Tushev, A.V. (Доповіді НАН України, 2022)
    In the paper we introduce a finite system of invariants for modules over minimax nilpotent groups which consists of classes of equivalent prime ideals of the group algebra of an Abelian minimax group. In particuly, ...
  • Kurdachenko, L.A.; Semko, M.M.; Yashchuk, V.S. (Доповіді НАН України, 2023)
    Let L be an algebra over a field F. Then L is called a left Leibniz algebra if its multiplication operations [⋅, ⋅] additionally satisfy the so-called left Leibniz identity: [[a,b],c] = [a,[b,c]] – [b,[a,c]] for all ...
  • Gutlyanskiĭ, V.Ya.; Ryazanov, V.I.; Sevost’yanov, E.A.; Yakubov, E. (Доповіді НАН України, 2023)
    Вивчається задача Діріхле для виродженого рівняння Бельтрамі з неперервними межовими даними у довільній однозв’язній області комплексної площини. Встановлені критерії існування регулярних дискретних відкритих розв’язків ...
  • Osypchuk, M.M.; Portenko, M.I. (Доповіді НАН України, 2018)
    We find out an explicit formula for the distribution of a rotationally invariant α-stable process at that moment of time, when it hits a given hyperplane for the first time. The case of 1 < α ≤ 2 is considered.
  • Norkin, V.I. (Доповіді НАН України, 2022)
    The paper establishes an analog of well-known Novikoff’s theorem on the perceptron learning algorithm’s finite convergence in linearly separated classes. We obtain a similar result concerning the nearest neighbor ...
  • Gutlyanskii, V.Ya.; Ryazanov, V.I.; Yakubov, E.; Yefimushkin, A.S. (Доповіді НАН України, 2019)
    We study the Hilbert boundary-value problem for analytic functions in the Jordan domains satisfying the quasi-hyperbolic boundary condition by Gehring—Martio. Assuming that the coefficients of the problem are functions ...
  • Kurdachenko, L.A.; Pypka, A.A.; Subbotin, I.Ya. (Доповіді НАН України, 2021)
    The subalgebra A of a Leibniz algebra L is self-idealizing in L, if A = IL (A). In this paper we study the structure of Leibniz algebras, whose subalgebras are either ideals or self-idealizing. More precisely, we obtain ...
  • Kurdachenko, L.A.; Subbotin, I.Ya.; Velychko, T.V. (Доповіді НАН України, 2020)
    This paper devoted to the nonperiodic locally generalized radical groups, whose subgroups of infinite special rank are transitively normal. We proved that if such a group G includes an ascendant locally nilpotent subgroup ...


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