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Про використання моделей пульсацiй тиску на плоскiй стiнцi для опису пульсацiй тиску на поверхнях цилiндричних конструкцiй

Репозиторій DSpace/Manakin

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dc.contributor.author Борисюк, А.О.
dc.date.accessioned 2009-07-01T09:24:06Z
dc.date.available 2009-07-01T09:24:06Z
dc.date.issued 2007
dc.identifier.citation Про використання моделей пульсацiй тиску на плоскiй стiнцi для опису пульсацiй тиску на поверхнях цилiндричних конструкцiй / А.О. Борисюк // Доп. НАН України. — 2007. — № 9. — С. 47-53. — Бібліогр.: 4 назв. — укp. en_US
dc.identifier.issn 1025-6415
dc.identifier.uri http://dspace.nbuv.gov.ua/handle/123456789/3131
dc.description.abstract Conditions are searched, under which the available models of pressure fluctuations on a flat wall (i. e., the models of Crocos, Chase, F. Williams, and Smol'yakov and Tkachenko) can be used to describe the pressure fluctuation field which arises on the surfaces of cylindrical structures under their interaction with fully developed turbulent flows of incompressible fluids. For this purpose, the appropriate method and experimental equipment are developed. As a result, it is found that, in case of the axial symmetry of a flow, the acceptable-far-practice results of calculations of the vibration and/or acoustic fields of cylindrical structures can be obtained in the frames of the Chase model. This allows one to recommend the use of the model for description of the pressure field noted above. In case of a non-axisymmetric flow, the application of all the models of pressure fluctuations on a flat wall is unreasonable. en_US
dc.language.iso uk en_US
dc.publisher Видавничий дім "Академперіодика" НАН України en_US
dc.subject Механіка en_US
dc.title Про використання моделей пульсацiй тиску на плоскiй стiнцi для опису пульсацiй тиску на поверхнях цилiндричних конструкцiй en_US
dc.type Article en_US
dc.status published earlier en_US
dc.identifier.udc 534.3

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