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Висвітлюються основні складові науково-краєзнавчої діяльності та їх результативність відомого українського вченого-історика, освітнього і громадського діяча, доктора історичних наук,
професора, академіка Української академії історичних наук, професора кафедри історії України,
колишнього декана історичного факультету і ректора Кам’янець-Подільського національного університету імені Івана Огієнка Завальнюка Олександра Михайловича в 1972-2021 роках. |
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dc.description.abstract |
The article highlights the core components of scientific and local lore activities in 1972-2021 and their
results, carried through by Zavalniuk Oleksandr Mykhailovych, the famous Ukrainian researcher, educational
and public figure, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor, Academician of the Ukrainian Academy
of Historical Sciences, Professor of History of Ukraine, former Dean of the Faculty of History and Rector
of Kamianets-Podilsky Ivan Ohiienko National University.
The education of love for the native land in his school and student years, the beginnings of local lore activities
as a young teacher of History and Geography, the importance of research dissertation topics for the
cognition of historical truth in the national and regional dimensions, are being clarified. The article also focuses
on the milestones of scientific and pedagogical growth, indisputable achievements covering various
areas, such as the establishment and management of a scientific school, training of scientific personnel, ensuring
the publication of 25 volumes of the professional collection “Education, Science and Culture in Podillia”,
other scientific and periodicals. publications, including local lore research, participation in various
scientific and local lore events (conferences, panel discussions, presentations, celebrations of anniversaries
of famous scientists), significant personal contribution to local lore, support of the Center for Podillia History
Research and participation in its permanent and temporary editorial and publishing affairs, providing editing
and reviewing of multidimensional scientific products (monographs, books, essays, collections of documents
and materials), etc . Emphasis is placed on the public activity of the scientist (Deputy of Kamianets-Podilskyi
and Khmelnytskyi regional councils, member of the Executive committee and Boards of Education and Science
departments of the city and region), participation in Congresses of the National Union of Local Historians
of Ukraine, plenums and meetings of this union’s presidium, central and regional bodies involved in promoting
the development of the local history movement, as well as the role in various important public affairs.
The article analyzes the long-term effective cooperation of the researcher with leading Ukrainian scientists;
extensive citation of the his works in domestic and foreign scientometrics; attention to the feedback
of famous Ukrainian historians on his personality; long-term, fruitful scientific and local lore and highquality
leadership and organizational work at different levels of government. |
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