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Перегляд Відділення механіки за назвою

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Перегляд Відділення механіки за назвою

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Ferro, P.; Berto, F. (Проблемы прочности, 2016)
    Проанализировано влияние остаточных напряжений на усталостную прочность стыковых сварных соединений из алюминиевого сплава в рамках подхода локальной плотности энергии деформации. Установлена тесная корреляция между ...
  • Mrazkova, L.; Lauschmann, L. (Проблемы прочности, 2008)
    Macroscopic images offracture surfaces of Charpy test specimens of steel R73 were studied, where bright spots in images represent cleavage facets or ductile dimples, respectively, both in special orientations. Within image ...
  • Debarberis, L.; Sevini, F.; Acosta, B.; Pirfo, S.; Bieth, M.; Weisshaeupl, H.; Törrönen, K.; Kryukov, A.; Valo, M. (Проблемы прочности, 2004)
    Radiation embrittlement and aging mechanisms for NPP reactor pressure vessels and vessel internals have been studied within NPP Plant Life Management (PLIM) for evaluation, prediction, and monitoring of the critical ...
  • Grinik, E.U.; Chirko, L.I.; Gul’chuk, Yu.S.; Strizhalo, V. A.; Novogrudskii, L.S.; Ballesteros, A.; Debarberis, L.; Sevini, F. (Проблемы прочности, 2003)
    Приведены результаты определения эталонной температуры T0 и построена "Master curve” на основе экспериментов, выполненных для стали марки 15Х2МФА (основной металл корпуса реактора типа ВВЭР-440) в трех состояниях: необлученном, ...
  • Peng, T.B.; Ni, Y.H.; Wu, Y.C. (Проблемы прочности, 2018)
    Natural rubber lamination is a kind of seismic isolation of bearings often used in civil engineering. The advantage of laminated bearings is large vertical stiffness and small lateral stiffness. In seismic regions, structural ...
  • Sunder, R. (Проблемы прочности, 2009)
    We have developed a number oftechnologies aimed at rendering test equipment affordable and at the same time reliable and well-supported. These include technologies related to actuator servodrives, energy efficient pumps, ...
  • Torop, O.; Schmidt, V. (Проблемы прочности, 2009)
    An optimized load cycle registration and assess­ment method was developed on the basis of eval­uation of the fatigue test series with arched test pieces. The tests were performed under Wohler-type and transient loading ...
  • Panuskova, M.; Tillova, E.; Chalupova, M. (Проблемы прочности, 2008)
    One common material for engine applications is the AlSi9Cu3 alloy. This alloy has a good castability, excellent machinability, medium strength, and low specific weight. The study was focused on the investigation of the ...
  • Klyushnik, V.G.; Osennij, V.Ya. (Геотехнічна механіка, 2014)
    Для комбінованих мереж установок плазмового розширення свердловин виявилося неможливим застосувати пристрою захисного відключення, раніше розроблені для кабельних мереж змінного струму й контактних мереж постійного струму, ...
  • An, H.P.; Rui, Z.V.; Wang, R.F.; Zhang, Z.M. (Проблемы прочности, 2014)
    High-speed cutting is widely employed in aerospace, automotive, die, and other industries. However, no comprehensive mechanism of highspeed cutting behavior was as yet comprehended completely. Models of thermal sources ...
  • Cui, A.Y.; Hu, F.Y.; Wei, H.K.; Liu, H.D.; Wang, Z.; Dong, X.L. (Проблемы прочности, 2016)
    Shaped charge cutting technology has been introduced into the field of aircraft structure repair to rapidly reshape irregular holes in thin-walled structures. In the present research, numerical calculation of the dynamic ...
  • Lin, Y.L.; Li, X.X.; Zhang, J. (Проблемы прочности, 2015)
    Reinforcement technology is widely used for filter dams in high-seismicity zones. The effect of reinforcement on deformation and safety is evaluated, and it is one of the primary objectives to be investigated in filter ...
  • Gluzman, V.D.; Kanel', G.I.; Loskutov, V.F.; Fortov, V.E. (Проблемы прочности, 1985)
    Investigations of the strength properties of materials under conditions of shock-wave loading have been stimulated by the necessity of prediction of the action of intense pulsed loads on various structures. Measurements ...
  • Tan, Z.H.; Liu, L.S.; Sun, Y.S.; Cho, C. (Проблемы прочности, 2015)
    The dynamic buckling of the square tube with a V-shape indent under impact loading was investigated by experimental and numerical methods. The collapse modes of square tubes with different locations of indentation points ...
  • Landes, J.D.; Donoso, J.R. (Проблемы прочности, 2006)
    New methods to formulate fracture mechanics parameters are presented. These include the common format that relates the deformation behavior of a cracked structure or specimen to the deformation behavior of a tensile ...
  • Ramm, E. (Проблемы прочности, 2008)
    Рецензия на монографию: К.-Е. Куррер. История теории конструкций. От расчета арок до вычислительной механики. – Берлин: Изд-во Ernst&Sohn, 2008. – 848 с. – 667 ил. (на англ. яз.). Цена 119 евро. Книга содержит краткие ...
  • Tu, M.Y.; Velasco, J.I.; Valles, C.; Gloria, A.; Lin, W.Z.; Li, Z.M.; Ruan, G.L.; Liu, F. (Проблемы прочности, 2014)
    Материаловедение и инженерия относятся к наиболее актуальным направлениям научных исследований в мире, а применение новых материалов в значительной степени основывается на изучении механических свойств материалов. Исходя ...
  • Tu, M.Y.; Velasco, J.I.; Valles, C.; Gloria, A.; Lin, W.Z.; Li, Z.M.; Ruan, G.L.; Liu, F. (Проблемы прочности, 2014)
    Materials science and engineering is one of the hot research topics in the world, among which mechanical properties of materials play a critical role in application of the new materials. Based on this, a special session ...
  • Ballesteros, A.; Altstadt, E. (Проблемы прочности, 2013)
    This paper presents and describes key open issues which are being debated nowadays by experts in the field, and for which clarification is essential for a safe operation of the nuclear power plants during life extension. ...
  • Berezina, T.G. (Проблемы прочности, 1985)
    This work is an investigation of the basic rules of the origin and development of discontinuities in heat-resistant steels under cree conditions. The materials of the investigation were steam-line pipe and specimens of ...


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