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dc.contributor.author |
Черкаська, Д. |
dc.date.accessioned |
2020-05-16T12:26:43Z |
dc.date.available |
2020-05-16T12:26:43Z |
dc.date.issued |
2016 |
dc.identifier.citation |
"Чи знають товариші історики?" Лазар Славін у контексті боротьби з "українською буржуазною наукою" / Д. Черкаська // Краєзнавство. — 2016. — № 3-4. — С. 241-250. — Бібліогр.: 16 назв. — укр. |
uk_UA |
dc.identifier.issn |
2222-5250 |
dc.identifier.uri |
http://dspace.nbuv.gov.ua/handle/123456789/168830 |
dc.description.abstract |
У статті розглянуто вплив політичних процесів наприкінці 1930 – 1940 рр. на діяльність
науковців на прикладі відомого археолога, члена-кореспондента АН УРСР, директора Інституту
археології АН УРСР у 1939-1941 та 1944-1945 рр. Лазаря Мойсейовича Славіна. |
uk_UA |
dc.description.abstract |
During the period starting from mid-1930s and thru 1940s the historical science in the Soviet Union
was under total control of communist ideology. The influence of societal and political processes upon the
development of scientific historical research can also be seen very clearly throughout that same period.
All historical science institutions of the Ukrainian Soviet Socialist Republic were guided by communist
ideology and all the research produced at that time was dominated by formational approach to
interpretation of historical events. As a representative of Ukrainian Soviet scientific community, Lazarus
Slavin, having just moved to Kiev in 1938, did not only begin to actively incorporate himself into the life
of archaeological science of Ukrainian SSR but also started working with the Institute of History of Ukraine
as a member of the collective of authors working on the Institute’s behalf. The time from 1930 thru 1950
became the period of consolidation of Ukrainian Soviet historical science. But the rise of patriotism after
the end of the World War II, newly resurrected investigations into “traitors”, “spies” and “enemies of the
state” and the peak of the confrontation with “Ukrainian bourgeois science” (first and foremost with
historical scientific concepts of Mykhailo Hrushevsky have become a reason for harsh criticism of the
representatives of historical scientific community working in the Academy of Science of Ukrainian SSR.
As a result of this process quite a few works of the Ukrainian scientists were confiscated and removed from
public access for many decades (practically until the Ukrainian independence in 1991). It has also led to
realignment of the entire historical science according to the principles that were imposed by the political
agenda of the Communist Party. Despite all the obstacles encountered during his scientific and pedagogical
career L. Slavin has remained primarily a researcher and a mentor. And in order to advance his scientific
and teaching endeavors he had to adjust to the realities of the life in science at that time. |
uk_UA |
dc.description.abstract |
В статье рассмотрено влияние политических процессов конца 1930 – 1940 годов на научную
деятельность ученых на примере известного археолога, члена-корреспондента АН УССР, директора
Института археологии АН УССР в 1939-1941 и 1944-1945 гг. Лазаря Моисеевича Славина. |
uk_UA |
dc.language.iso |
uk |
uk_UA |
dc.publisher |
Інститут історії України НАН України |
uk_UA |
dc.relation.ispartof |
Краєзнавство |
dc.subject |
Джерела та біографічні студії |
uk_UA |
dc.title |
"Чи знають товариші історики?" Лазар Славін у контексті боротьби з "українською буржуазною наукою" |
uk_UA |
dc.title.alternative |
Do historians know? Lazarus Slavin in the framework of countering with “Ukrainian bourgeois science” |
uk_UA |
dc.title.alternative |
« Знают ли товарищи историки?» Лазар Славин в контексте борьбы с «украинской буржуазной наукой» |
uk_UA |
dc.type |
Article |
uk_UA |
dc.status |
published earlier |
uk_UA |
dc.identifier.udc |
32+902 «1930/1945» |
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