Конференція присвячена видатному науковцю Миколі Феофановичу Кащенко
Antonenko S. V. , Telegeev G. D.
Соlocalization of USP1 protein and PH domain of Bcr-Abl oncoprotein in HEK293 cells
Chysta S.V., Savytskyi O.V., Kornelyuk A.I.
Intramolecular dynamics and conformational changes in mammalian tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase
Dotsenko V., Obolenskaya MYu
The influence of interferon alpha on abundance of Pick1, Grin3a and Gabra2 mRNAs encoding synaptic proteins in nervous system
Dramaretska Yuliia , Balysnka Olena
Investigation of CHI3L1 and IGF1 R interaction in mammalian cells
Kosach V., Cherednyk O., Filonenko V., Khoruzhenko A
Interconnection between subcellular localization and functional activity of mTOR kinase
Kulesha А., Dokudovskaya S., Negrutskii B., Mirande.
Identification of protein-protein interactions between NPRL2 and components of MARS complex
Navrotska D., Twardovska M., Andreev I., Betekhtin A., Hasterok R., Kunakh V.
Cytogenetic and Molecular Analisys of Deschampsia antarctica Desv. from the maritime antarctica
Nidoieva Z.M., Iatsyshyna A.P., Lukash L.L.
Regulation of the O6-methylguanine-DNA methyltransferase (MGMT) transcription by hormones
Rybak M.Yu. , Kovalenko O.P., Kriklivyi I.A., Tukalo M.A.
Cloning, expression and purification of D-Tyr-tRNATyr-deacylase from Thermus thermophilus
Rybenchuk A.O ., Boyko V.V.,Shodryj V.B., Коzlov А.V., Tkachuk Z.Yu
Mass-spectrometric investigation of complexation between RNA and mannitol
Skorobogatov O.Yu., Gajda M., Zhukov I.Yu., Tkachuk Z.Yu.
Study on 2'-5'A3 binding to human protein S100A1
Starosyla S. A., Volynets G. P., Bdzhola V.G., Prykhod’ko A.O., Lukashov S.S., Yarmoluk S.M.
Rational design of small molecule inhibitors of protein kinase Ask1
Stepanenko A.A., Andreieva S.V., Korets K.V., Mykytenko D.O., Huleyuk N.L., Kovaleva O.A., Baklaushev V.P., Chekhonin V.P., Vassetzky Y.S., Dmitrenko V.V.
Temozolomide promotes the diverse genome and phenotype changes of glioblastoma cells
Vivcharyk M.M., Levchenko S.M., Tkachuk Z. Yu.
Thermal stability analysis of RNA mixtures with sugars alcohol
Кащенко Микола Феофанович
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