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Перегляд Bопросы атомной науки и техники, 2010 за назвою

Репозиторій DSpace/Manakin

Перегляд Bопросы атомной науки и техники, 2010 за назвою

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Kovtun, Yu.V.; Skibenko, A.I.; Skibenko, E.I.; Larin, Yu.V.; Shapoval, A.N.; Yuferov, V.B. (2010)
    Measurements on the radiation flux of gas-metal plasma formed in the medium of igniting gas (gas mixture) and sputtered cathode material in the pulsed reflex discharge were carried out. A spectrometric method was applied ...
  • Nakajima, K. (2010)
    Recent progress in laser-driven plasma-based electron accelerators is overviewed in theoretical and experimental aspects. In particular, basic acceleration physics called as a bubble mechanism is highlighted to show recent ...
  • Skladnik-Sadowska, E.; Sadowski, M.J.; Czaus, K.; Malinowski, K.; Kwiatkowski, R.; Zebrowski, J.; Karpinski, L.; Paduch, M.; Scholz, M.; Garkusha, I.E. (2010)
    The paper describes diagnostics of fast ion beams emitted from a large PF-1000 facility operated at 21…27 kV, 290…480 kJ. Those beams were measured with pinhole cameras and PM-355 nuclear track detectors, placed at different ...
  • Kvasha, A.I.; Lopatnikov, Yu.M. (2010)
    In the earlier paper description of existing at INR DTL crowbar system and some proposals, increasing its efficiency, were considered. Really it was a question of replacement of the bypass crowbar by the series crowbar ...
  • Moiseenko, V.E.; Dreval, M.B.; Burchenko, P.Ya.; Losin, A.V.; Berezhnyj, V.L.; Bondarenko, V.N.; Chechkin, V.V.; Grigor’eva, L.I.; Hartmann, D.; Koch, R.; Konovalov, V.G.; Kotsubanov, V.D.; Kramskoi, Ye.D.; Kulaga, A.E.; Lyssoivan, A.I.; Mironov, V.K.; Pavlichenko, R.O.; Romanov, V.S.; Shapoval, A.N.; Skibenko, A.I.; Slavnyi, A.S.; Tereshin, V.I.; Voitsenya, V.S. (2010)
    The experiments on Uragan-3M torsatron (stellarator) on Alfvén resonance heating are presented. Usage of the three-halfturn antenna provides plasma density increase and heating of the electron plasma component.
  • Cherenshchykov, S.A.; Kotsubanov, V.D.; Nikolskii, I.K. (2010)
    The origin variant of ignition the secondary emission magnetron injection gun at low voltage (3…25 kV) with use pulse magnetic filed and additional gas filling is described. Beam current up to 5 A with pulse its duration ...
  • Moiseenko, V.Е.; Stadnik, Yu.S.; Lyssoivan, A.I.; Dreval, M.B. (2010)
    Self-consistent model of the RF plasma production in stellarator that includes system of the balance equations and the boundary problem for the Maxwell’s equations is developed. The first numerical calculations of RF plasma ...
  • Lyssoivan, A.I.; Douai, D.; Philipps, V.; Wauters, T.; Brezinsek, S.; Koch, R.; Kyrytsya, V.; Lerche, E.; Mayoral, M.-L.; Ongena, J.; Pitts, R.A.; Schüller, F.C.; Sergienko, G.; Van Eester, D.; Blackman, T.; Bobkov, V.; De la Cal, E.; Durodié, F.; Gauthier, E.; Gerbaud, T.; Graham, M.; Jachmich, S.; Joffrin, E.; Kreter, A.; Lamalle, P.U.; Lomas, P.; Louche, F.; Maslov, M.; Moiseenko, V.E.; Monakhov, I.; Noterdaeme, J.-M.; Paul, M.K.; Plyusnin, V.; Shimada, M.; Tsalas, M.; Van Schoor, M.,; Vdovin, V.L. (2010)
    Encouraging results recently obtained with alternative ion cyclotron wall conditioning (ICWC) in the present-day tokamaks and stellarators have elevated ICWC to the status of one of the most promising techniques available ...
  • Arntz, F.; Kardo-Sysoev, A.; Krasnykh, A. (2010)
    SLIM (Stanford Linear Induction Method) is a novel short-pulse concept suited to a new generation of high gra-dient induction particle accelerators is described. The principal accelerator section is envisioned as a stack ...
  • Zavadtsev, A.A.; Zavadtsev, D.A.; Kravchuk, L.V.; Kutsaev, S.V. (2010)
    Solid State High Power RF System is proposed for XFEL and ILC. It includes individual RF power supply for each SC cavity and common control system. Each RF power supply includes Solid State Generator, circulator and Q-tuner. ...
  • Dudin, S.V.; Dahov, A.N.; Farenik, V.I. (2010)
    The results of systematic experimental researches of ICP reactor are presented. Experimental results on spatial distribution of local plasma parameters (plasma density, temperature and electron energy distribution function) ...
  • Kubkowska, M.; Jakubowska, K.; Skladnik-Sadowska, E.; Malinowski, K.; Paduch, M.; Sadowski, M.J.; Scholz, M.; Marchenko, A.K. (2010)
    The emission from free-propagating plasma streams was studied in experiments with a 1-MJ plasma-focus PF-1000 facility operated at the IPPLM in Warsaw, Poland. The machine was filled up with a pure deuterium or a mixture ...
  • Buts, V.A. (2010)
    The mechanism allowing to stabilize excited states of quantum systems is offered. The mechanism stabilization is similar to quantum Zeno’s effect. The difference consists that under system is not made supervision. Instead ...
  • Nowakowska-Langier, K.; Zdunek, K.; Chodun, R.; Nietubyc, R.; Mirowski, R.; Witkowski, J. (2010)
    This work presents the results of our research concerning the synthesis of metallic Fe-Cu coatings by use of the magnetron sputtering method. The structure of the coatings synthesized during two modes of pulsed magnetron ...
  • Melnikov, A.V.; Vershkov, V.A.; Grashin, S.A.; Eliseev, L.G.; Lysenko, S.E.; Mavrin, V.A.; Merezhkin, V.G.; Perfilov, S.V.; Shelukhin, D.A.; Shurygin, R.V.; Krupnik, L.I.; Komarov, A.D.; Kozachek, A.S.; Zhezhera, A.I. (2010)
    Plasma potential, its oscillations and turbulence rotation were studied on T-10 in a wide range of ohmic and ECRH regimes. The potential has negative sign over the whole plasma cross section. Broadband turbulence tends to ...
  • Masunov, E.S.; Polozov, S.M. (2010)
    One of main problems in accelerator physics is the increasing of ion beam intensity. The linear undulator accelerator with electrostatic undulator (UNDULAC-E) was proposed for ion beam acceleration. The accelerating force ...
  • Ryzhkov, S.V. (2010)
    Simple magnetic traps, such as a cusp and field-reversed configuration are considered for application in high density regime. Magneto-inertial fusion with laser compression of magnetized spherical target and features of ...
  • Walkowicz, J.; Bujak, J.; Zavaleyev, V. (2010)
    The multilayer Cr-CrN-DLC coatings deposited by MePIIID method on substrates made of high speed steel HS 6-5-2 were studied. The streams of filtered carbon and metal arc plasma were used in both ion implantation and ...
  • Azarenkov, N.A.; Bizyukov, I.A. (2010)
    The deposition of Cu on polytetrafluoroethylene surface assisted by the Ar ion beam with the temperature of 1 keV is investigated numerically. Ar ions provide the kinematic mixing of Cu atoms and atoms of substrate forming ...
  • Buts, V.A. (2010)
    The mechanism allowing to stabilize of a state of quantum systems is considered. And, the initial condition can correspond both for excited state and for not excited, stationary state. The considered mechanism for the first ...


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