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Перегляд Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2011, том 7, випуск за цей рік за назвою

Репозиторій DSpace/Manakin

Перегляд Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2011, том 7, випуск за цей рік за назвою

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Anco, S.C.; Ali, S.; Wolf, T. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2011)
    A novel symmetry method for finding exact solutions to nonlinear PDEs is illustrated by applying it to a semilinear reaction-diffusion equation in multi-dimensions. The method uses a separation ansatz to solve an equivalent ...
  • Anco, S.C.; Ali, S.; Wolf, T. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2011)
    A novel symmetry method for finding exact solutions to nonlinear PDEs is illustrated by applying it to a semilinear reaction-diffusion equation in multi-dimensions. The method uses a separation ansatz to solve an equivalent ...
  • Murata, M. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2011)
    An ultradiscrete system corresponding to the q-Painlevé equation of type A₆⁽¹⁾, which is a q-difference analogue of the second Painlevé equation, is proposed. Exact solutions with two parameters are constructed for the ...
  • Kassotakis, P.; Nieszporski, M. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2011)
    We present a method to obtain families of lattice equations. Specifically we focus on two of such families, which include 3-parameters and their members are connected through Bäcklund transformations. At least one of the ...
  • Boos, H. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2011)
    We generalize the results of [Comm. Math. Phys. 299 (2010), 825-866] (hidden Grassmann structure IV) to the case of excited states of the transfer matrix of the six-vertex model acting in the so-called Matsubara direction. ...
  • Chanu, C.; Degiovanni, L.; Rastelli, G. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2011)
    We describe a procedure to construct polynomial in the momenta first integrals of arbitrarily high degree for natural Hamiltonians H obtained as one-dimensional extensions of natural (geodesic) n-dimensional Hamiltonians ...
  • Martins, J.F.; Mikovic, A. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2011)
    We define a four-dimensional spin-foam perturbation theory for the BF-theory with a B∧B potential term defined for a compact semi-simple Lie group G on a compact orientable 4-manifold M. This is done by using the formal ...
  • Turbiner, A.V. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2011)
    A brief and incomplete review of known integrable and (quasi)-exactly-solvable quantum models with rational (meromorphic in Cartesian coordinates) potentials is given. All of them are characterized by (i) a discrete symmetry ...
  • Tsujimoto, S.; Vinet, L.; Zhedanov, A. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2011)
    A Hopf algebra with four generators among which an involution (reflection) operator, is introduced. The defining relations involve commutators and anticommutators. The discrete series representations are developed. Designated ...
  • Hussin, V.; Marquette, I. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2011)
    We consider classical and quantum one and two-dimensional systems with ladder operators that satisfy generalized Heisenberg algebras. In the classical case, this construction is related to the existence of closed trajectories. ...
  • Ghorbel, A. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2011)
    Let G be a connected, simply connected one-parameter metabelian nilpotent Lie group, that means, the corresponding Lie algebra has a one-codimensional abelian subalgebra. In this article we show that G contains a discrete ...
  • Bershtein, O.; Kolisnyk, Y. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2011)
    In this paper we obtain some results of harmonic analysis on quantum complex hyperbolic spaces. We introduce a quantum analog for the Laplace-Beltrami operator and its radial part. The latter appear to be second order ...
  • Ivanov, E.A. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2011)
    This is a brief survey of applications of the harmonic superspace methods to the models of N=4 supersymmetric quantum mechanics (SQM). The main focus is on a recent progress in constructing SQM models with couplings to the ...
  • McKay, B. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2011)
    We prove that the only complex parabolic geometries on Calabi-Yau manifolds are the homogeneous geometries on complex tori. We also classify the complex parabolic geometries on homogeneous compact Kähler manifolds.
  • Ramadoss, A.C. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2011)
    Let E be a holomorphic vector bundle on a complex manifold X such that dimCX=n. Given any continuous, basic Hochschild 2n-cocycle ψ2n of the algebra Diffn of formal holomorphic differential operators, one obtains a 2n-form ...
  • Hong, D. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2011)
    We give explicit formulas for the intertwinors on the scalar functions over the product of spheres with the natural pseudo-Riemannian product metric using the spectrum generating technique. As a consequence, this provides ...
  • Boya, L.J. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2011)
    This is an introduction to finite simple groups, in particular sporadic groups, intended for physicists. After a short review of group theory, we enumerate the 1+1+16=18 families of finite simple groups, as an introduction ...
  • Loktev, S.A.; Natanzon, S.M. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2011)
    We show that any complex (respectively real) representation of finite group naturally generates a open-closed (respectively Klein) topological field theory over complex numbers. We relate the 1-point correlator for the ...
  • Levi, D.; Scimiterna, C. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2011)
    In this paper we propose some linearizability tests of partial difference equations on a quad-graph given by one point, two points and generalized Hopf-Cole transformations. We apply the so obtained tests to a set of ...
  • Post, S. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2011)
    In this paper, we consider operator realizations of quadratic algebras generated by second-order superintegrable systems in 2D. At least one such realization is given for each set of Stäckel equivalent systems for both ...


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