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Перегляд Український математичний вісник за назвою

Репозиторій DSpace/Manakin

Перегляд Український математичний вісник за назвою

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Ryazanov, V.; Srebro, U.; Yakubov, E. (2008)
    This paper is devoted to convergence theorems which play an important role in our scheme for deriving theorems on the existence of solutions of the Beltrami equations.
  • Ryparova, L.; Mikes, J.; Sabykanov, A. (Український математичний вісник, 2018)
    The bifurcation is described as a situation where there exist at least two different geodesics going through the given point in the given direction. In the previous works, the examples of local and closed bifurcations are ...
  • Ryazanov, V.; Srebro, U.; Yakubov, E. (Український математичний вісник, 2010)
    It is established interconnections between various integral conditions that play an important role in the theory of space mappings and in the theory of degenerate Beltrami equations in the plane.
  • Panov, E.Yu. (Український математичний вісник, 2004)
    We give kinetic formulation of measure valued and strong measure valued solutions to the Cauchy problem for a first-order quasilinear equation. For the corresponding kinetic equation the class of existence and uniqueness ...
  • Najafov, A.M.; Gasimova, A.M. (Український математичний вісник, 2018)
    We have introduced new functional spaces of the Lizorkin–Triebel–Morrey type, and a Sobolev-type inequality is proved. We have also shown that the generalized derivatives of functions from this spaces satisfy the generalized ...
  • Gutlyanskii, V.Y.; Nesmelova, O.V.; Ryazanov, V.I. (Український математичний вісник, 2017)
    Assume that Ω is a domain in the complex plane C and A(z) is symmetric 2× 2 matrix function with measurable entries, det A = 1 and such that 1/K|ξ|²≤ 〈A(z)ξ, ξ〉 ≤ K|ξ|², ξ ∊ R², 1 ≤ K < ∞. In particular, for semi-linear ...
  • Gutlyanskii, V.Y.; Ryazanov, V.I. (Український математичний вісник, 2016)
    The survey is devoted to recent advances in nonclassical solutions of the main boundary value problems such as the well–known Dirichlet, Hilbert, Neumann, Poincare and Riemann problems in the plane. Such solutions are ...
  • Gutlyanskii, V.; Ryazanov, V.; Srebro, U.; Yakubov, E. (Український математичний вісник, 2010)
    We give an exposition of the recent progress in the theory of the Beltrami equations with the degeneration.
  • Gutlyanskii, V.Y.; Ryazanov, V.I.; Yefimushkin, A.S. (Український математичний вісник, 2015)
    Generalized solvability of the classical boundary value problems for analytic and quasiconformal functions in arbitrary Jordan domains with boundary data that are measurable with respect to the logarithmic capacity is ...
  • Herus, O.F. (Український математичний вісник, 2017)
    We proved a theorem about the integral of quaternionic-differentiable functions of spatial variable over the closed surface. It is an analog of the Cauchy theorem from complex analysis.
  • Stanzhitsky, A.N.; Gorban, N.V. (Український математичний вісник, 2009)
    We consider the dynamics of solutions for autonomous reaction-diffusion equation in Rⁿ with multivalued nonlinearity. The a priory estimates for solutions are obtained. The existence of compact invariant global attractor ...
  • Danchev, P. (Український математичний вісник, 2006)
    A new class of global mixed Abelian groups, called W-groups, is defined. The following isomorphism theorem for commutative modular group algebras of such groups is proved: If G is a p-mixed μ-elementary W-group for some ...
  • Simsek, D.; Abdullayev, F. (Український математичний вісник, 2016)
    In this paper a solution of some difference equation was investigated.
  • Simsek, D.; Abdullayev, F.G. (Український математичний вісник, 2017)
    In this paper a solution of the one difference equation was investigated.
  • Dyachenko, E. (Український математичний вісник, 2014)
    This paper is concerned with elliptic problems including a small parameter multiplying higher order derivatives. We found algebraic conditions on the operator and boundary conditions which guarantee the Fredholm property, ...
  • Abdullaev, F.G.; Abdullaev, G.A. (Український математичний вісник, 2016)
    In present work, we continue the study the growth of the orthogonal polynomials over a contour with weight function in the weighted Lebesgue space, when the contour and the weight function having some singularities. We ...
  • Khatskevich, V.; Karelin, I.; Zelenko, L. (Український математичний вісник, 2006)
    The notions of a pencil of the second order and a linear fractional relation (LFR) are defined in spaces of linear bounded operators acting between Banach spaces. It is shown that these notions are closely connected with ...
  • Solodky, S.G. (Український математичний вісник, 2008)
    A new approach to the approximate solution of Fredholm integral equations of the first kind with finitely smoothing operators is worked out. It is established that on wide classes of such equations this approach allows to ...
  • Мегралиев, Я.Т.; Шафиева, Г.Х. (Український математичний вісник, 2014)
    В этой статье рассмотрена обратная краевая задача для псевдопараболического уравнения третьего порядка с интегральным условием. Сначала исходная задача сводится к эквивалентной (в определённом смысле) задаче, для которой ...
  • Tamrazov, P.M. (Український математичний вісник, 2010)
    We give parametric expressions for extremals of Grötzsch’s problem.


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