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Перегляд Український математичний вісник за назвою

Репозиторій DSpace/Manakin

Перегляд Український математичний вісник за назвою

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Targonskii, A. (Український математичний вісник, 2017)
    Sharp estimates of product of inner radii for pairwise disjoint domains are obtained. In particular, we solve an extremal problem in the case of arbitrary finite number of free poles on the system points on the rays.
  • Derkach, V.A.; Kovalyov, I.M. (Український математичний вісник, 2017)
    In the present paper we solve the indefinite Stieltjes moment problem MPkκ(s) within the M.G. Krein theory of u-resolvent matrices applied to a Pontryagin space symmetric operator A[0,N] generated by J[0,N]. The u-resolvent ...
  • Celakoska, E.G.; Trecevski, K.; Balan, V. (Український математичний вісник, 2009)
    Within the framework of Special Relativity, the recent paper [1] describes the shrinking determined by the rotation of a planar disk, and an apparent paradox emerging from the anisotropic outcoming contraction. In this ...
  • Pestov, L.; Strelnikov, D. (Український математичний вісник, 2018)
    We consider initial boundary-value problem for acoustic equation in the time space cylinder Ω×(0, 2T) with unknown variable speed of sound, zero initial data, and mixed boundary conditions. We assume that (Neumann) controls ...
  • Grabova, U.Z.; Kal'chuk, I.V.; Stepaniuk, T.A. (Український математичний вісник, 2017)
    The work focuses on the solution of a problem of approximation theory. The task is to investigate approximative properties of the Weierstrass integrals on the classes WrβHα. We obtain asymptotic equalities for the upper ...
  • Samoilenko, I.V. (Український математичний вісник, 2006)
    It is studied asymptotic expansion for solution of singularly perturbed equation for Markov random evolution in Rd. The views of regular and singular parts of solution are found.
  • De Maio, U.; Mel'nyk, T.A. (Український математичний вісник, 2005)
    The leading terms of the asymptotic expansion for the solution to a mixed boundary value problem for the Poisson equation in a thick multi-structure, which is the union of some domain and a large number N of ε-periodically ...
  • Kovalyov, I.M. (Український математичний вісник, 2016)
    A truncated indefinite Stieltjes moment problem in the class Nkκ of generalized Stieltjes functions is studied. The set of solutions of Stieltjes moment problem is described by Schur step-by-step algorithm, which is based ...
  • Gavrylkiv, V.M. (Український математичний вісник, 2017)
    In the paper, we study automorphisms of the extensions of groups, finite monogenic semigroups and describe the automorphism groups of extensions of null semigroups, almost null semigroups, right zero semigroups and left ...
  • Hernández, S.; Protasov, I.V. (Український математичний вісник, 2011)
    A subset S of a topological group G is called bounded if, for every neighborhood U of the identity of G, there exists a finite subset F such that S ⊆ FU, S ⊆ UF. The family of all bounded subsets of G determines two ...
  • Imashkyzy, M.; Abdullayev, G.A.; Abdullayev, F.G. (Український математичний вісник, 2017)
    In this work, we obtain pointwise Bernstein–Walsh-type estimation for algebraic polynomials in the unbounded regions with piecewise asymptotically conformal boundary, having exterior and interior zero angles, in the weighted ...
  • Chaves, M. (Український математичний вісник, 2004)
    We study the blow-up phenomena arising in a p-laplacian equation with reaction and absorption terms. We show that there exists a unique blowing-up approximate self-similar solution which describe the asymptotic singular ...
  • Strelnikov, D. (Український математичний вісник, 2017)
  • Cano-Casanova, S.; Lopez-Gomez, J.; Molina-Meyer, M. (Український математичний вісник, 2005)
    In this work a general class of nonlinear abstract equations satisfying a generalized strong maximum principle is considered in order to show that any bounded component of positive solutions bifurcating from the curve of ...
  • Kuchaiev, O.; Protasov, I.V. (Український математичний вісник, 2008)
    We give some characterizations of geodesic metric spaces coarsely equivalent to the ray R⁺.
  • Baidiuk, D. (Український математичний вісник, 2016)
    A generalization of the well-known results of M.G. Kreiın on the description of the self-adjoint contractive extension of a Hermitian contraction is obtained. This generalization concerns the situation where the self-adjoint ...
  • Banakh, T.; Protasov, I. (Український математичний вісник, 2018)
    A ballean is a set endowed with a coarse structure.We introduce and explore three constructions of balleans from a pregiven family of balleans: bornological products, bouquets, and combs. We analyze also the smallest and ...
  • Trofymenko, O.D. (Український математичний вісник, 2017)
    In terms of the Bessel functions we characterize smooth solutions of some convolution equations in the complex plane and prove a two-radius theorem for solutions of homogeneous linear elliptic equations with constant ...
  • Bhat, V.K. (Український математичний вісник, 2008)
    Let R be a ring, and δ be a derivation of R. It is proved that R is a 2-primal Noetherian Q-algebra implies that the differential operator ring R[x, δ] is a 2-primal Noetherian.
  • Petrenko, O.; Protasov, I.V. (Український математичний вісник, 2007)
    A topological space X is called totally recurrent if every mapping f : X → X has a recurrent point. We prove that a Hausdorff space X is totally recurrent if and only if X is either finite or a one-point compactification ...


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