Статья посвящена изучению проблемы взаимовлияния и взаимозависимости творческого
замысла и информационно-технологической составляющей литературного процесса. Переселением в
виртуальное пространство литературное произведение обретает специфическую форму гипертекста
и наделяется интерактивностью. Интернет изменяет динамику развития всего литературного
процесса. Предложен авторский вариант этапирования влияния Интернета на литературный процесс.
Процессы взаимовлияния и взаимозависимости Интернета и творческого замысла стимулируют
интеллектуализацию литературы.
Стаття присвячена вивченню проблеми взаємовпливу і взаємозалежності творчого задуму і
інформаційно-технологічної складової літературного процесу. Переселенням у віртуальний простір
літературний твір набуває специфічної форми гіпертексту і наділяється інтерактивністю. Інтернет
змінює динаміку розвитку усього літературного процесу. Запропонований авторський варіант
етапування впливу Інтернету на літературний процес. Процеси взаємовпливу і взаємозалежності
Інтернету і творчого задуму стимулюють інтелектуалізацію літератури.
Article is devoted studying of problem of interference and interdependence of creative plan and
information-technological component of literary process. Resettlement in virtual space the literary work finds
the specific form of the hypertext and is allocated with interactivity. The Internet changes dynamics of
development of all literary process.
The study of the degree of development of the problem of mutual influence and interrelation of the creative plot
and information-technological component of the artistic process showed that the different aspects of this
influence were revealed in the articles of scientists – philosophers, philologists, sociologists, fine art experts and
culture experts.
The analysis of Internet from the view of philosophical anthropology revealed all its properties as a favourable
environment for self-education, self-improvement and self-realization of the creative personality.
Appearance of the Internet considerably influenced on the process of intellectualization of literature. The poet or
the writer attempting to write knowledge-consumptive phrase or has opportunity for several seconds enter the
Internet, set the corresponding search by inputting the key words and check the faithfulness of information that
serves a basis for the work. In the past in order to do such check-up it was necessary to find books and turn over
their pages day by day.
The age of information technologies, in particular Internet provides the enhanced requirements to the internal
potential of the creative personality, first of all to his intellect, creative talents, desire and ability to realize own
possibilities, and display oneself comprehensively. The ability of the creative personality to change and adapt
oneself to the constantly changing conditions of the Internet environment forms the space for creativity and
freedom. This, in its turn, is adequately reflected in the general dynamics of the development of the literary
The author's variant of stages of influence of the Internet on literary process is offered. Processes of interference
and interdependence of the Internet and a creative plan stimulate literature intellectualization.