6 декабря 2013 года исполняется 100 лет со дня рождения Николая Михайловича Амосова — выдающегося ученого и гениального хирурга, основоположника кардиохирургии в Украине, медицинской и биологической кибернетики, писателя и общественного деятеля.
On 6 December 2013 we will celebrate Nikolai Amosov’s 100th birthday anniversary who was an outstanding scientist and genius surgeon, founder of cardiosurgery in Ukraine, medical and biological cybernetics, writer and public figure. The interdepartmental collection of scientific papers “Cybernetics and Computer Engineering” is presenting a series of articles devoted to the development of scientific schools initiated by N.M. Amosov. The basic results of the articles were discussed and recommended to be published at the seminar “Biological and Medical Informatics and Cybernetics” (18-21 July 2013, Zhukin) dedicated to the anniversary.