Встановлено, що одностайна думка службовців органів місцевого самоврядування та керівників громадських об'єднань стосовно використання різних елементів інституційного механізму регуляції їхньої взаємодії у сфері надання соціальної допомоги незахищеним мешканцям відсутня. Обґрунтовано, що розробка і впровадження у практику даного механізму є досить складним завданням.
Установлено, что единодушное мнение служащих органов местного самоуправления и руководителей общественных объединений относительно использования разных элементов институционального механизма регуляции их взаимодействия в сфере оказания социальной помощи отсутствует. Приведены аргументы, свидетельствующие, что разработка и внедрение данного механизма является достаточно сложной задачей.
The paper presents results of analysis of basic UN documents and the experience of Western countries for poverty eradication and achieving sustainable development. It is shown that involvement of civic associations in decision-making and implementation is a necessary condition for economic, social and moral impact on municipal policies and programs of poverty eradication and sustainable development. It is proved that in Ukraine inability of citizens to influence government is not considered as a cause of poverty during the development of public policy to poverty eradication, unlike Western countries. It is stated that in Ukraine is not expected implementing in management practices of institutional mechanisms regulating the interaction/cooperation of local governments and associations needed to alleviate poverty, contrary to UN documents. The data of the survey of 297 local self-government officials, leaders of 80 NGOs and 107 heads of organizations of self-organizing of residents of Donetsk is presented. The purpose of the survey was to identify the views of representatives of these structures about the feasibility of using different elements/tools of institutional mechanisms regulating their interaction in social assistance to vulnerable residents. The sample of the survey is representative for each category of respondents. It is stated that local government officials, heads of NGOs and organizations of self-organizing of residents have no unanimous opinion about the practicability of using various means to ensure their cooperation in the field of social assistance. The respondents have same opinions only on next means: a) the establishment of an information database on all classes of residents that are in need of various types of social assistance, as well as institutions that can provide that assistance, and b) development of municipal program to support community initiatives. It is discovered that managers of NGOs have more understanding of the need of using different means to ensure cooperation in the field of social assistance than local government officials and leaders of organizations of self-organizing of residents. It is proved that the possibility of the introduction of various elements of the institutional regulatory mechanism of the interaction of local governments with civic associations in the field of social assistance into administrative practice depends on the choice of a particular institutional model of this mechanism. That is, it will depend on what sense caused by the type of sociality and corresponding value system would have rules and regulations of this model.