Предложена программа спецкурса по техническому переводу с учетом коммуникативных потребностей студентов в учебно-профессиональной деятельности.
Запропонована програма спецкурсу з технічного перекладу з урахуванням комунікативних потреб студентів під час учбово-професійної діяльності.
The following special course is called to enlarge and deepen not only the linguistic horizon of students, but also to assist creating skills and abilities of a professional scientific-technical translator as well as to give an opportunity to the graduates to meet the need of the nowadays continuously changing job market fulfilling both the duties of an engineer and of a technical translator. The «Programme of the special course» worked out by the chair of Russian language at our university may be used in magistrate groups as well as in bachelor groups of bright students who are interested in the further improvement of their communicative and professional competence.