У статті наводяться аргументи на користь голоценового віку кримського свідеру та про можливість його походження від свідеру Польщі й півночі України.
The basic sites of Crimean Swiderian are Sjuren ІІ, the Buran-Kaya ІІІ (layer 4). Crimean Swiderian is characterised by the technics of flake percussion based on application two-platform naviform cores. The blades which have been chopped off with such cores were used for manufacture tanged points which often had a flat retouch on ventral surface.The Crimean Swiderian is the industry with the least studied chronology. Usually, by analogy with Swiderian of Poland and Ukrainian Polesye this industry is dated in frameworks Late Drias - Preboreal. However, actually so early age Crimean Swiderian not confirm on stratigrafy data. In a layer of 4 of site Shan-Koba similar pointss are found together with Shpankobian artifacts, on site Sjuren 2 - together with
Kukrekian artifacts. The given facts can testify to age within Boreal. The given circumstance has induced to searches of other analogies of Crimean Swiderian, except its northern analogues. Development of technology of using of naviform cores is known in the region of PPNB, and also for the several industries existing on the eve of addition of this cultural area. All it allows us to consider region in which developed Crimean Swiderian the most northern part of area of PPNB. As a whole, age Crimean Swiderian is dated by second half of Preboreal - Boreal.