Проанализирован международный опыт государственночастного партнерства. Предложены организационные механизмы развития государственночастного партнерства в Украине.
Ключевые слова: государственночастное партнерство, организация развития, центр ответственности.
Проаналізовано міжнародний досвід державноприватного партнерства. Запропоновано організаційні механізми розвитку державноприватного партнерства в Україні.
Ключові слова: державноприватне партнерство, організація розвитку, центр відповідальності.
Meeting the increasing demands of the population for infrastructure encountered budget constraints of the state. The present situation in Ukraine is such that it is necessary to use new economic mechanisms for providing a decent standard of living without compromising the needs of future generations. The institute of publicprivate partnership should be an important tool for solving this problem.
The article describes the experience of publicprivate partnership in the UK, Canada and the USA. In these countries, one fifth of projects is implemented in public-private partnership. Public-private partnership in various forms has been used for a long time. It is one of the key trends in these countries. The financial and economic crisis has strengthened the need for public-private partnership in the European Union.
In Russia, the Investment Fund was created for providing the government financing of public-private partnership projects. The Ministry of Regional Development of the Russian Federation is the main governmental authority that has the experience in the use of public-private partnership for retraining of engineers.
In Ukraine, public-private partnership started in 1872 when Kiev created the first city plumbing. To estimate the current state of public-private partnership different models of partnerships are considered in the work. The analysis of partnership in the preparation of sports infrastructure in Ukraine for the European Football Championship 2012 is given. "Failures of the state" in the implementation of public-private partner-ship are summarized. The grounds are given that there is a necessity of establishing centers of public-private partnership in Ukraine. The author proposed to create "centers of responsibility" in public-private partnership. The goals, guidelines and objectives of the "centers of responsibility" are described.
Keywords: public-private partnership, organization of development, centers of responsibility.