Творча діяльність Гната Мартиновича Хоткевича (1877–1938) відзначається винятковою багатогранністю – він був талановитим письменником, публіцистом, критиком, істориком, етномузикознавцем, музикантом, режисером, педагогом, перекладачем, а також надзвичайно обдарованим пропагандистом народних пісень і дум.
The article is dedicated to the creative activity of a talented writer, publicist, critic, historian, musician, stage/director, pedagogue, translator – Hnat Khotkevych. Especially the author of the article focuses on Khotkevych’s activity as a researcher of kobzari art, ethno/musicologist and instrument expert. Hnat Khotkevych was a founder of system approach to the study of national musical instruments. The author analyses the basic principles used by Khotkevych in his 40/year noble business of formation mid development of education and culture in Ukraine: to research, create, embody, organize and teach other people.