Статья написана по материалам коллекции Палеонтологического института АН СССР (ПИН), собранным в одном из наиболее богатых и широко известных местонахождений миоценовых насекомых в окрестностях Ставрополя (Каспиев, 1939; Родендорф, 1939).
A fossilized forewing with wing-pattern well presernd. belonging to an extinct species of the family Arctiidae subfamily Arctiinae is described. The characters of the new fossil taxon are compared with those of recent species. The most distinctive are the features of the wing-pattern. Type - IocaIity: Sengileyevskaya ca. Stavropol, outcrop 5, Upper Karagan, Miocene (N. Caucasus). Holotype is the property of Paleontological Institute, USSR Academy of Sciences (Moscow).