З'ясовано літолого-фаціальні та літолого-літмологічні особливості нижньомайкопських відкладів Каркінітсько-Північнокримського осадово-породного басейну. Схарактеризовано геолого-палеоокеанографічні умови ранньомайкопського осадонагромадження, седиментаційну циклічність та визначено просторово-вікову локалізацію класто-генних акумулятивних тіл.
Cyclic sedimentation characterizes the Early Maykopian. There were three episodes of essential clastic influx connected with sea level falling moments: at the beginning, in the middle and end of Early Maykopian. Two regional and one zonal silt-sandstone horizons were formed during these periods. In facial respect these horizons were consisting of several accumulate bodies such as mouth bar, barrier island, fans and alongshore bars. Paleoceanographic conditions at the beginning of Early Maykopian (time of lower terrigenous horizon formation) were characterized by clastic supply from the northwestern land. Four river-channels drained the latter. In deeper parts of the basin, these channels continue by the mouth bars and barrier islands. In deepest basin zones, fans silt bodies were formed. On the slopes of Novoselivka and Kilia-Zmiiny paleouplifts alongshore bars developed. In spite of sedimentation cyclic nature, some inheritances during whole Early Maykopian of the facial zones development exist. The latter is characterized by the features of lithofacies distribution emphasized in particular by maximum of sand thickness development.