Опубліковано античну монету, вперше знайдену на еталонній пам’ятці доби раннього залізного
віку, поселенні Тарасова гора біля с. Жаботин Черкаського р-ну й області.
Тhe paper is devoted to the first find of ancient coin
on the territory of the Tarasova Hora settlement near
Zhabotin village of the Cherkasy district. It is the coin
of Olbia city — the obol «borisphen». It was minted in
300—280 BC. Such coin was already found in a complex
of things from the Early Iron Age of the 5th—
4th centuries BC. That is the evidence of existence here
of some sight of this period. The Finding of such coins
proves the presence of cultural and trade-economic relations
of the local indigenous population with the cities
of North-Western Pontic region and Olbia in particular.
On the reverse of the coin the inscription of OLBIO
is visible as well as the images of gorytos and axe. On
Avers you can disassemble the fuzzy image of the hair
curl. The coin is rectangulare, with dimensions of 1.8 ×
1.4 cm. Mass 2.36 gr. The surface is covered with green
oxide and has traces of scales from staying in the fire.
Thus, since the coin has no difference it can be dated to
the 300—280 BC.
Such coins are not rare, and their findings are
known in the large territory from the Crimea to the
Middle Dnieper. Also two similar coins were accidentally
found in this region on the banks of Tyasmin River
near the Raygorod village of Cherkasy district. These
are the bronze coins minted by Olbia in 300—280 BC,
however, according to numismatics opinion, were in
circulation until 230 BC, during the first half of the
3rd century BC. These coins, called by the researchers
«Borisphens», depicting on the avers of the bearded
Scythian deity of the Dnieper River (Borisphenes),
were the only bronze coins produced in the Northern
Pontic region and have got a wide spread outside Olbia,
practically impossible for coins of non-cost metals.