Стаття присвячена одній з важливих сторінок
етнокультурної історії населення Дніпровського
лісостепового Лівобережжя протягом скіфського часу — залюдненню лісостепових частин річок
Сули, Псла, Сейму, Сіверського Дінця та Середнього Дону. Наведено аргументи про зв’язок цієї
міграції з подіями перехідного періоду, а її вихідну
територію запропоновано вважати Дністро-Дніпровський
The paper is devoted to one of the important pages
of the ethnic and cultural history of the population
of the forest-steppe of Dnieper Left Bank area in the
Scythian Age — settling of the forest-steppe parts of
the basins of Sula, Psel, Seim, Seversky Donets and
Middle Don rivers.
The analysis of material culture of new sites in the
region allowed us to make several conclusions. Most of
the handmade pottery forms and the main decorative
elements of the ceramic complex of the sites of Eastern
Bil’s’k type dating to the middle — second half of
the 6th century BC are genetically related to the forest-
steppe of Dnieper Right Bank area and to more
western regions of forest-steppe. Materials from the
Vorskla sites of the second half of 6th century BC are
significantly differ and continue the local traditions of
the previous time. The differences are clearly visible
when comparing the material culture of that time of
Western and Eastern fortifications of the Bil’s’k settlement.
This indicates that the settlements of the
Dnieper-Donets forest-steppe at this time did not reason
due to the demographic explosion in the Vorskla
and Psel interfluves. The set of the jewelry and a costume
of the migrants of the mid-6th century BC at the
forest-steppe of Dnieper Left Bank area has straight
analogies among the materials of the Right Bank of the
Early Scythian Age.
It can be assumed that the initial migration areas
could have been the Kyiv Dnieper region, the eastern
and western Podolyan groups of the sites where the
settlement systems and burials disappeared simultaneously.
The participation of the population from Ros’
river and other regions in this process can’t be ruled
Thus, in the development of the settlement system
of the forest-steppe of Dnieper Left Bank area
two main events that radically influenced the settling
of the region by the sedentary population during the
Scythian Age can be distinguished. First, during the
Zhabotin period, on the territory of the Lower Vorskla
and the Vorskla and Psel interfluve the settlements of
the migrants from the forest-steppe of Dnieper Right
Bank area appeared. In the Middle Scythian Age, as a
result of the new movement of the tribes from the west,
a ramified settlement system emerged. New migrants
have created the settlements that are geographically
united into several local groups: two in Sula, Vorskla
and Seim basins, three in Psel and one each in Uday,
Merle and Kolomak basins. It is interesting that new
groups of the population bypassed in their resettlement
the territories occupied at that time by migrants
of the Zhabotin period.