В статье помещен материал по экологии крымской популяции муфлона европейского. Приводятся биометрические данные черепов 11 самцов, а также список эктопаразитов муфлона и график колебания его численности в 1913—1967 гг.
At present time the Crimea population of Ovis musimon inhabits only the Crimean State reserve-hunting farm. The article deals with the data on the ecology of animals of this population. Ovis musimon is a crepuscular animal. Its activity depends on the season of the year, day and weather conditions. The rut is observed from the beginning of October up to the end of November. The younger animals appear in the middle of April. Moult takes place from the end of March up to the middle of May.
The biometrical data are presented of skulls of 11 males. The list of ectoparasites of Ovis musimon and diagram of its quantity variation in 1913—1967 are given.