При изучении Sphaerostomum bramae из леща, густеры и других видов рыб некоторых водоемов Советского Союза черви из леща Ириклин»ского водохранилища выделены в отдельную форму—Sphaerostomum bramae forma paradoxum. Описанная форма отличается от типичной расположением присосок, половой бурсы и желточников. Приведено оригинальное описание новой формы и ее рисунок.
When studying a considerable body of evidence concerning Sphaerostomum bramae
(Miiller, 1776) from the various fish species of the Black Sea basin rivers, Volga basin
and Iriklinian reservoir it wa s found that trematodes obtained from the carp-bream of
Iriklinian reservoir differ in some features from the typical form — S.brarnae. The studied
trematoda are distinguished into an independent form — Sphaerostomum bramae forma
paradoxum. Its differences from the typical form are as follows: maximum width of the
body is behind the ventral sucker and not at its level; suckers are at a closer distance from
each other; yolk follicles overlie the ventral sucker, often covering it completely; sex bursa
can extend for a considerable distance behind the ventral sucker, that is never observed
in the typical form. A detailed description of the new form is presented.