Описываются характерные места гнездования усатой синицы в Предкавказье. Сообщается, что в последние 10—15 лет птицы этого вида начали гнездиться в тростниковых стенках искусственных гнездовий, устраиваемых для уток. Приводятся сведения о характере гнёзд, количестве и величине кладок, составе пищи и пр.
Panurus biarmicus L. in the Fore-Caucasus nests in reed thickets of big rivers.
They made their nests near the base of thick stems of reed and in friable walls of nesting
structures of big herons. For last 10—15 years P. biarmicus began nesting in the reed
walls of artificial nests built for wild ducks. Nesting usually begins from the end of
March and continues up to the beginning of July, but .it is the most mass in April. The
authors examined 320 nests where there were from 2 to 14, often 4—8 eggs. The dimensions оГ nests and egg s are also presented. Nutrition was studied by means of analysing the contents of 60 stomaches of nestlings and adult birds. In winter months Panurus biarmicus L. often feed on reed seeds, and in warm seasons of the year — spiders, different insects (Coleoptera, Lepidoptera, Diptera, etc.) and mollusks.