Стаття присвячена з’ясуванню функціонально-семантичних особливостей неофіційних антропонімів Добрыня Долгыи, Матѣи Шибутовичь, Иванко Степановичь, реконструкції референтних зв’язків, денотативних ознак. Доведено, що названі особи є представниками ростовського (а не суздальського) боярства другої половини ХІІ ст.; заперечено припущення про польське походження імені Шибутовичь; виявлено причини появи в літописних джерелах XV–XVІ ст. усічених форм Шибутовъ, Бутовъ, заміни форми Матѣи на Матѳѣи. Аналіз проведено на матеріалі східнослов’янських писемних пам’яток ХІ–ХІІІ ст.
The article is based on the analysis of Old East Slavic literary monuments of the
XI–XIII centuries. The research focuses on the fragment «unofficial anthroponyms» of the
early East Slavic world view. It is the first time that the functional-semantic peculiarities of
unofficial anthroponyms Добрыня Долгыи, Иванко Степановичь, Матѣи Шибутовичь
come under scholarly scrutiny. These anthroponymic units are in the Radzivill, the
Suzdal’, the Nikon chronicles. Linguistic study of unofficial anthroponyms is carried out
taking into account extralinguistic factors with the use of data of history and archeology.
It is proved that there is a clear pattern in using of these names in the old text. The wordformation
features of these anthroponyms indicate that the order of following the names
in the chronicle is determined by the social status of the named persons. A component of
«significance» in the structure of the lexical meaning of anthroponyms was reconstructed.
Connotative and denotative component that are included in the semantic content of
unofficial anthroponyms are revealed. The motive for naming (Долгыи and Шибутовичь)
is related to the category of ethical antinorm. Significance of each of the names contains
the ethnocultural denotative components that clarify the social status of a person, indicate
its religious orientation, territorial affiliation. The author believes that named persons
representative the Rostov (but not Suzdal’) nobility of the second half of the XII century.
As a result of the analysis it is established that these persons did not take direct part in the
Lypytska battle in 1177, but only watched the course of the battle. It was shown that the
name Шибутовичь originated in the East Slavic area, and the boyar is talking about was
from the Galician lands. Unofficial anthroponyms Долгыи і Шибутовичь in the second
half of the XII century had a living inner form. Anthroponymic units Долгыи, Иванко,
Степанковичь, Шибутовичь perform a moral evaluation function. The causes of
appearance in chronicles of the XV–XVI centuries truncated forms Шибутовъ, Бутовъ
and the replacement of form Матѣи on Матѳѣи are revealed.