У статті розглядається проблема часу виникнення та характеру вико-
ристання «змійових» валів Переяславщини. Проаналізовані різні версії датування цих споруд, визначені чинники, що зумовили необхідність створення
подібної системи земляних укріплень. Наведено аргументи прихильників скіфської теорії походження валів, а також факти, що, за переконанням автора,
дозволяють її спростувати. Окремо розглянуті витоки та особливості
розвитку теорії давньоруського датування «змійових» валів. У дослідженні
також запропоновані міркування автора щодо часу створення та функціонування цих споруд. Частково здійснений аналіз особливостей конфігурації насипів. На підставі згаданих у статті аргументів автор робить висновок, що
створення системи переяславських «змійових» валів було вимушеною мірою для
захисту давньоруських земель від печенігів.
The study of serpent's wall of Pereyaslav region continued more than 150 years.
Many researches about these buildings were created during this time. The issue of
dating and functionality of serpent's wall is completely unresolved today. The problem
of the time of creation and especially of the use of Pereyaslav serpent's wall described
in this article. In general, there are two main views of the dating this site: Old Russ
and Scythian dating. The study reviews the origin and development of these versions
and the arguments for their supporters. The author analyzed different versions about
dating of these buildings and the facts which allow the theory of Scythian dating. The
article presents arguments witch allowing to determine the creation time of serpent's
wall as Old Russ time. The author paid attention to the functional purpose of these
buildings and the factors that caused the necessary of the creation this system of
earthworks. Also the study analyzed the features of the configuration of mounds and
the nature of use of each component of the serpent's wall of Pereyaslav region.
According to the author, all segments of the Pereyaslav serpent's wall has features of
the integrated complex. This system was created to protect the Old Russ land against
predatory attacks of Pechenegs. The specificity of life and military tactics of nomads
did not allow the prince's army successfully defends. So there was a need for a system
of passive protection that can resist the specifics of nomadic raids. The serpent's wall
combined with natural boundaries can effectively perform this function. They covered
the black soil plain in the area between the Dnipro, Trubizh and Supiy from east,
south-east and north-east and blocked a quick access to the outskirts of strategically
important Pereyaslavl Russ.
Based on the arguments mentioned in the article the author concludes that
creation of the system of serpent's wall was a necessary measure for detention of
subordinates areas and the normal functioning of the state. He considers the time of
creation of these structures to the period of intensified raids of the Pechenegs. The
system of serpent’s wall has lost their relevance as a result of several internal and
external political factors and was not used for its intended purpose in future.