Последние исследования, идентифицировавшие наборные пояса болгарской аристократии, показали связь элитарной староболгарской металлопластики не просто с декором отдельных артефактов, а с целостным стилем и реконструированными поясными наборами из Врапа. В данной работе мы попытаемся проследить некоторые из элементов этой связи, представив не отдельные предметы из клада, а целостный состав нашумевшей албанской находки.
This paper investigates the connection between one of the most important early medieval European treasures, the Vrap treasure, and application-set belts of the Old-Bulgarian aristocracy. For this purpose the content of the treasure has been briefly reviewed and its connection with another early medieval treasure from Erseke has been considered. The authors have arrived at a conclusion that some objects from both treasures were products of one workshop and were buried at the same time. Moreover, the objects from both treasures were most likely collected and hidden together. Despite the earlier date, undoubtedly determined by vessels from the treasure, the date of the treasure could be logically determined by the time of manufacturing of the belt fittings - the late 7th or rather the early 8th century. At this time, the objects and luxury goods from a workshop working at the “court yard” of the local nomadic governor were collected.