Несмотря на почти 180-летнюю историю археологических раскопок Херсонеса Таврического, в изучении особенностей топографии остается ряд вопросов, требующих тщательного изучения. В последние годы археологи с успехом сочетают археологические исследования и нетрадиционные методы изучения археологических памятников (геофизическая разведка и аэрофоторазведка), что позволяет выявить особенности топографии античных городищ и поселений в полном объеме за короткий промежуток времени. При таком комплексном подходе можно выявить или уточнить общую планировку города, локализовать ключевые объекты, прогнозировать результаты последующих археологических раскопок.
Although the history of excavations in Tauric Chersonesos is almost 180 years old, there are still some issues in research of topography peculiarities. Lately, archeologists successfully combine archeological research with aerial photography and land-surveying. That helps to bring to light main topography peculiarities of ancient settlements in a short period of time. Since the sizeable part of Chersonesos topography wasn’t surveyed sufficiently from the archeological point of view, it allowed the authors of the article to lead the joined Ukrainian - Polish research project “The Topography of Roman and Byzantine Tauric Chersonesos” in 2002. A number of regularities in city development and sacral buildings arrangement in Byzantine period were discovered. The main number of churches is concentrated along the first longitudinal street. Presumably, the street was functioning as a basic city artery in Byzantine time. Main ceremonial religious processions going lengthways stopped at churches. The sacral buildings that were excavated before indicate that Christianity was of a vital importance in a city life. Byzantine Chersonesos was the main religious center in the North Black Sea area and played an important part in spreading Christianity on barbarian territories. Special geopolitical position and political aims that were placed upon the city authorities allowed them to be tolerant to various religions.