Летом 1928 года Н.Д. Протасов провёл археологические раскопки руинированного церковного здания на территории Судакской крепости, которому суждено было стать первым из числа известных в настоящее время двухапсидным храмом Таврики
On territory of peninsula the basic variants of this type of temples are presented: initially two apses, becoming two apses as a result of repair and twochurch. Two chronologic groups of monuments are expressly traced: IX-X and XIV-XV cc. The personal touch of basic part of the Crimean two apses temples is their genetic connection with basilicas, which either preceded them and then were fully modified or adjusted with transformation of internal space. The results of researches ground to suppose mediated, with Asia Minor roots, North Caucasian origin of two apses temples of Taurica.