Наиболее поздний период истории Мангупского городища, после турецкого завоевания 1475 г, неоднократно привлекал внимание исследователей. Как правило, интерес ученых был связан с изучением иудейских памятников Мангупа. Неоднократно велись исследования иудейского некрополя в балке Табана-дере. К сожалению, результаты этих исследований не введены в научный оборот, а полевые материалы сохранились лишь в виде черновиков и набросков.
The latest period of history of Mangup settlement repeatedly attracted attention of archeologists. However, the main interest was drawn to Jewish cemetery and synagogue in the upper reaches of Tabana-Dere gully. For the first time the excavations of residential and household area was conducted by the expedition of Taurida National University headed by A. Gertzen. The archeological materials obtained during the excavation gave reasons to date the forming of cultural layers in the area to the mid-17h - the first half of the 19th century. Animal bones had noticeable place among the finds. The analysis of osteological materials enabled to make several conclusions. Sheep- and goat-breeding was the basis of animal husbandry of the population of the area of Tabana-Dere. Meat and meat-and-milk were the dominating directions of the animal husbandry. Sheep and goats were mostly used for producing meat, and the cattle dominated in dairy-meat sector. Prevalence of goat male individuals indicates the possibility of wool production. The absence of swine bones can be explained by the religious outlook of the population of the block. Sufficiently high level of the animal husbandry probably was the reason of the low level of hunting.