Некрополь расположен близ с.Лучистое Алуштинского горсовета, на первой горной гряде, у юго-западного подножья горного массива Демерджи, на восточном и западном склонах холма, примыкающего к позднесредневековой крепости Фуна.
In almost all vaults and in grave 82 there was an inventory of the first half of the 5th century, in vault 75 - a buckle belonging to period Д2/ДЗ - 430-455 according to J.Tejral. Judging by red-lacquer bowls, glass vessels and analogies from the Danube region the cemetery in Luchistoe appeared at the border of the 4th - 5th centuries - the end of Д1 period.