Могильник Нейзац расположен в Центральном Крыму, на правом берегу реки Зуя, вблизи плотины Балановского водохранилища. Памятник был открыт в 1927 г., когда Н.Л.Эрнст доследовал разрушенные крестьянами склепы. В 1957 и 1969 годах еще три склепа изучила экспедиция Института археологии АН УССР. Из предметов погребального инвентаря опубликованы лишь серебряная бляха с сарматским знаком, несколько керамических и стеклянный сосуды.
The results of research of ditch graves N 27 and 28 located at the distance of 0,5 m from each other are published in this article. In grave 27 there were found the remains of a man maimed by some disease and a child; in grave 28 the remains of a woman. Not all the child's bones were put in the grave, though they were arranged in a relatively correct anatomic order. Burial inventory is dated (mainly by fibulas) back to the second half of the 2nd - the first half of the 3d centuries A.D. It is usual for Crimean cemeteries of this period. Bronze details of headband wreath is the only exclusion, the exact analogies are known in early-medieval cemeteries of the Oka river region.