У статті розглядається історія роду священнослужителів Скаржановських, починаючи з середини
ХІХ ст. до середини ХХ століття.
The purpose of the study was the desire to learn as much as possible about one of the branches of the the
Skarzhanovskies’ family – my grandmother’s descendants. The resources used in the article are based on unknown
materials from the archives and references of their relatives. Proceeding from the available and archived
documents gradually collected out of tiny pieces, it was possible to restore the genealogical tree of the Skarzhanovskies’
whose pedigree traces the family back to 1840 up to 2014 and currentlyincludes eight generations.
The search for the pedigree members was carried out in stages foreach generation. Parallel to this, search
for people whose life histories were unknown were conducted . The focus of the research was to explore the archives
of the documents, which would give anopportunity to obtain the most accurate and objective information
about the Skarzhanovskies’. The period before 1840 could not b einvestigated as the corresponding metric
records were not preserved. According to the available documents, it was possible to restore biographical data
about 85 representatives of the Skarzhanovskies’family.
The combination of oral stories and accurate archiva linformationis a style of the article. The text of the
article publishes archival family photographs.