Обґрунтовано, що інституціоналізація сімейного фермерства в ринкове середовище господарювання як організаційно-правової форми, крім зростання економічних та соціальних стандартів сільського населення, забезпечує реалізацію Цілей сталого розвитку України до 2030 року. Суб’єктами сімейного фермерства визначено малі фермерські та особисті селянські господарства, які за сукупністю ідентифікаційних критеріїв можуть його створити без статусу юридичної особи фізичною особою самостійно або спільно з членами її сім’ї на підставі договору. Розкрито основні напрями досягнення поставлених цілей у контексті сталого розвитку сільського господарства.
It is proved that the institutionalization of family farming in the market environment as an organizational and legal form, in addition to ensuring the growth at the present stage of economic and social standards of rural residents, directly capable of achieving the goals of the Sustainable Development Goals of Ukraine until 2030. Ukraine operates small farms and private farms that, by a set of identification criteria, can change their status by creating a stateless family farm Su legal entity organized independently or jointly with members of his family under the contract (declaration). The study found that modern legal innovations, designed to ensure the implementation of the mechanism of institutionalization of the family economy in a market environment, are characterized by an appropriate level of implementation: legal – arranged, methodically constructed laws and codes, establishing simple and transparent tax rules; the market – the family farmer is still in the "gray" zone of the market, that is, the majority of such entrepreneurs do not belong to the relevant entities of this organizational form; public (informal) – generally established as a motivated type of economic activity; economic – small farms acquire the status of economically viable in the market, but are already recognized by economic entities capable of receiving significant additional income. However, this did not significantly affect the significant positive tendency of their creation and development. This situation is caused, in particular, by the lack of scientific and methodological approaches to ensure their transformation into a market environment of the economy, appropriate mechanisms for their promotion and support. Thanks to the efficiency of solving these problems, it is estimated that by 2030, about 300,000 private farms can be legalized into a market economy mechanism in the status of a family farm, and about 5,000 functioning small farms, which can be defined according to the established family farms criteria of its legal form of management. The analysis of the conducted potential of formation and development of family farms allows confirming that the specified economic unit is capable to provide both economic development of rural territories, growth of well-being of villagers, and achievement of the set goals set by the Sustainable Development Goal of Ukraine for the period until 2030. The study outlines the main directions of ensuring the achievement of the set goals in the context of ensuring the sustainable development of agriculture.