У статті запропоновано періодизацію оприлюднення листовної спадщини одного з
найактивніших представників українського культурного руху шістдесятників, талановитого поета,
перекладача, прозаїка, літературознавця Василя Стуса. Виокремлено та описано найважливіші
етапи наукового прочитання та осмислення епістолярію письменника українськими дослідниками.
The paper suggests periodization of publications containing epistolary heritage of one of the most
active representatives of the Ukrainian cultural movement known as ‘the Sixtiers’ (‘shistdesiatnyky’)
– talented poet, translator, prose writer and literary critic – Vasyl Stus. The author of the paper
distinguishes three groups of letters: 1) lifetime publications of the writer’s letters in foreign publishing
houses; 2) post mortem publications of V. Stus’s letters in foreign publishing houses; 3) post mortem
publications in Ukraine. The first group includes some official letters, published during his lifetime,
mostly in the journal “Suchasnist”, edited and printed by Ukrainians abroad. The second group
consists of some private letters, published abroad after his tragic death. The third group includes V.
Stus’s correspondence printed in Ukrainian publishing houses since 1990. After the proclamation
of Ukraine’s independence the selections from his letters were actively published in periodicals and
scholarly editions.
The author defined and described the most important stages of studying the writer’s epistolary by
Ukrainian researchers. The first attempts of analyzing V. Stus’s epistolary texts were the prefaces
to his books. The next stage in understanding the poet’s epistolary heritage was the emergence of
collections in commemoration of V. Stus, which, since 2000, regularly contained articles exploring this
issue. Most researchers highlight the writer’s ethic and aesthetic viewpoints, existential postulates, the
peculiarities of language and communication systems of addressees and rarely analyze the genres
of letters, their literary means and translations.
В статье предложена периодизация издания эпистолярного
наследия одного из самых активных представителей украинского
культурного движения шестидесятников, талантливого поэта,
переводчика, прозаика, литературоведа – Василя Стуса. Выделены
и описаны важнейшие этапы научного прочтения и осмысления
корреспонденций писателя украинскими исследователями.