Опубліковано результати польових досліджень
нової багатошарової верхньопалеолітичної стоянки Кормань 9 на Дністрі. Подано стратиграфію,
планіграфію, техніко-типологічну характеристику індустрії.
Near the village of Korman’ (Sokyryany district,
Chernivtsi region, Ukraine) several Palaeolithic sites
are known. In the 1960s and 70s, O. P. Chernysh conducted
archaeological studies of the site Korman’ IV.
In 2012 the new Palaeolithic site named as Korman’ 9
was discovered by the Dniester Palaeolithic expedition
of the IA NASU. A preliminary fieldwork season was
conducted in 2013. The main research focused on the
chronostratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental study of the site.