Статья посвящена взаимовлиянию и взаимопроникновению кобанского анималистического искусства и скифо-сибирского звериного стиля, которые
во многом основываются на культуре центрально-европейского искусства предскифского периода,
ближневосточного, и урартского искусства.
The Koban animalistic art and the Scythian-Siberian
animal style in many respects are based on culture
of the Central European art of the pre-Scythian period,
Middle East and Urartu art. In some cases, both directions
use similar compositions (whirlwind forms and
symmetric), the same animal images («the scraped
predator», a winged predator, a deer, a ram, a goat, the
head and a figure of the flying bird of prey, fish), and
parts of animals (a boar canine teeth) who receive various
art interpretation. In the Koban animal style there was an infiltration of images of the Scythian-Siberian
animal style (figures of deer with the head turned back and the turned-in legs; animals with the turnedout
back part of a trunk at an angle 180°; the predator which was curtailed in a ball), occurs registration
of the Koban bronze trapezoid zone buckles Scythian motives). Also the return process of penetration of the
Koban images into Scythian art is known (objects in the form of a bust of a bird of prey, «the scraped predator»). All this demonstrates difficult centuries-old interaction of two directions of animal art.