У статті розглядаються питання планіграфії,
таксономічної атрибуції, датування і інтерпретації горизонту ранньозалізного віку багатошарового
поселення Хрінники (ур. Шанків Яр) і вводяться та
аналізуються неопубліковані матеріали з досліджень 2002—2013 рр. та загальний план відкритих об'єктів.
From 1994 to 2013 by the 25 excavation trenches
were investigated (I—XXII, 24, 25) at the Shankiv Yar
tract and together area 6434 m2 was excavated. An
analysis of the planigraphy of objects of the early-iron
age allows to divide the site into three distant from
each other clusters, which can be interpreted as separate
homesteads. On the base of examined materials,
including new, previously unpublished dates, it is possible
to say, that this site belongs to the Lusatian culture
and represents the Lezhnytsa horizon of the Ulvivets-
Lezhnytsa group, which is synchronous with the
late phases of the Tarnobrzeg group of Lusatian culture
and the Scythian culture of the Ukrainian Foreststeppe.
A wide range within which we can put the time of existence of the settlement — VII—V centuries BC.
But all three homesteads could existed much shorter time period. Such chronology almost corresponds with
those proposed earlier by D. N. Kozak and co-authors. Contrary to the earlier interpretation of the Khrinnyky
site as syncretic, we consider its ceramic complex to be stylistically and technologically homogeneous.