Перегляд за автором "Skiter, I.S."

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Lytvynov, V.V.; Saveliev, M.V.; Skiter, I.S.; Trunova, O.V. (Математичні машини і системи, 2015)
    This paper discusses the business center at the university as a mechanism for the transfer of new technology to industry. There are four types of tools proposed for IT-companies, among which the construction of models of ...
  • Davies, J.N.; Comerford, P.; Verovko, M.V.; Skiter, I.S.; Posadska, I.S. (Математичні машини і системи, 2017)
    Recent investigations have highlighted the complexity and interrelationship between components of the infrastructure of the internet. In an attempt to simplify the management of the infrastructure a great deal of research ...