Перегляд за автором "Erenburg, A.I."

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Erenburg, A.I.; Fogel, N.Ya.; Bomze, Yu.V.; Sipatov, A.Yu.; Fedorenko, A.I.; Langer, V.; Norell, M. (Физика низких температур, 2001)
    There are rather exotic semiconducting superlattices (SL) consisting of monochalcogenides of Pb, Sn and rare-earth metals which exhibit superconductivity at temperature as high as 6 K. Here we report the results of precision ...
  • Erenburg, A.I.; Leont’eva, A.V.; Varyukhin, V.N.; Marinin, G.A.; Prokhorov, A.Yu. (Физика низких температур, 2011)
    We report an experimental study of the low frequency internal friction (LTIF) in solid oxygen in temperature range 7–52 K. Comparison of the temperature dependence of IF with data of x-ray diffraction and other thermodynamic ...