Перегляд за автором "Altay, B."

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  • Altay, B.; Başar, F. (Український математичний журнал, 2005)
    In the present paper, the Euler sequence spaces eʳ₀ and eʳc of nonabsolute type which are the BK-spaces including the spaces c₀ and c have been introduced and proved that the spaces er₀ and erᶜ are linearly i somorphic to ...
  • Başar, F.; Altay, B. (Український математичний журнал, 2003)
    The difference sequence spaces ℓ∞(△), c(△), and c₀(△) were studied by Kızmaz. The main purpose of the present paper is to introduce the space bv p consisting of all sequences whose differences are in the space ℓp , and to ...