Перегляд за автором "Чекурков, В.С."

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Прищепа, Б.А.; Чекурков, В.С.; Ткач, В.В. (Археологічні дослідження в Україні, 2010)
    Results of the works in Dubno at 10, Zamkova Street in 2009 are presented. At the area allotted for construction, the layers and objects of Slavonic and Rus period and Lithuanian-Polish epoch were discovered that provided ...
  • Прищепа, Б.А.; Чекурков, В.С.; Ткач, В.В. (Археологічні дослідження в Україні, 2010)
    Results of excavations in 2008 and 2009 in Rivne at Korolenko Square are presented. At the areas allotted for construction, the Early Slavonic finds, Christian burials of the 12th and 13th centuries, cultural layers and ...