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Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Tashyreva, G.O.; Matveewa, N.A.; Tashyrev, O.B. (Український антарктичний журнал, 2006)
    Copper-resistance of Antarctic microbial communities selected from different samples (sediments, plants etc.) was investigated at Cu²⁺ concentration 5, 25, 100 ppm. It was shown that all samples contain Cu²⁺-resistant ...
  • Slivinska, K.; Wrуblewski, Z.; Gawor, J. (Вестник зоологии, 2013)
    The study was performed to investigate the gastrointestinal parasite fauna using the method of diagnostic deworming in own modification in 29 Polish primitive horses (Equus caballus) from the Roztocze National Park, ...
  • Artemenko, G.V.; Ganotzkiy, V.I.; Kanunikova, L.I.; Grechanovskaya, E.E.; Taraschan, A.A. (Український антарктичний журнал, 2019)
    The objective of our research was to search for manifestations of ore mineralization on the Roca and Cruls islands in the Argentine Islands, West Antarctica.
  • Barreiro, E. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2010)
    We present some properties of odd-quadratic Malcev superalgebras. The aim of this paper is to present the notions of double extension and generalized double extension of odd-quadratic Malcev superalgebras, culminating in ...
  • Pouchon, M.A.; Dobeli, M.; Schelldorfer, R.; Chen, J.; Hoffelner, W.; Degueldre, C. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2005)
    Oxide dispersed strengthened (ODS) ferritic-martensitic steels are investigated as possible structural material for the future generation of High Temperature Gas Cooled Nuclear Reactors. The Ni based austenitic ODS superalloys ...
  • Boichuk, V.I.; Leshko, R.Ya.; Bilynskyi, I.V.; Turyanska, L.M. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2012)
    The hole energy spectrum with the ion of an acceptor impurity in the quantum dot has been calculated using the spherical approximation of the multiband Luttinger model. The dependence of the hole energy levels on the ...
  • Marziyeh, A.; Farzaneh, S. (Наука та інновації, 2019)
    Finding a free space for parking in rush hours and heavy traffic has been always a boring and time-consuming problem for drivers. Recently, VANET networks have found special attention among economists and university ...
  • Belyaev, A.A.; Glöckle, W.; Golak, J.; Kamada, H.; Kotlyar, V.V.; Witała, H. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2001)
    Off-energy-shell effects in one- and two-nucleon photoabsorption are studied in the reaction γ³He → pd at inter­mediate energies. The calculations are carried out with the ³He wave functions for the Bonn and Paris potentials.
  • Kleshcheeva, M.V. (Економічний вісник Донбасу, 2010)
    In this article the author tries to bring the most vivid examples of the functioning of offshore zones (Problems and Prospects) and their impact on national economies as a whole. Study of the special status of offshore ...
  • Furtat, Yu.O.; Diachuk, O.A. (Математичне та комп'ютерне моделювання. Серія: Технічні науки, 2014)
    In modern automated systems, users are often facing the problem of information overload due to the ever increasing amounts of information to be processed in a short time. Working in these conditions affects the quality of ...
  • Udovitskiy, V.G.; Slipchenko, N.I.; Chichkov, B.N.; Slipchenko, E.V. (Журнал физики и инженерии поверхности, 2017)
    The electrophysical properties of thermally deposited thin films of dihydrodibenzotetraaza[14]-annulene were investigated applying ohmic gold electrodes to them. The volt-ampere characteristic of planar thin films symmetric ...
  • Belyaev, A.E.; Boltovets, N.S.; Bobyl, A.V.; Zorenko, A.V.; Arsentiev, I.N.; Kladko, V.P.; Kovtonyuk, V.M.; Konakova, R.V.; Kudryk, Ya.Ya.; Sachenko, A.V.; Slipokurov, V.S.; Slepova, A.S.; Safryuk, N.V.; Gudymenko, A.I.; Shynkarenko, V.V. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2015)
    Experimental data on manufacturing the ohmic contacts Au–Ti–Pd–n⁺-InP, formed using vacuum deposition of metal onto a heated to 300 °C substrate representing an epitaxial n⁺-n-n⁺⁺-n⁺⁺⁺-InP structure. The specific contact ...
  • Boltovets, N.S.; Konakova, R.V.; Kudryk, Ya.Ya.; Milenin, V.V.; Mitin, V.F.; Mitin, E.V.; Lytvyn, O.S.; Kapitanchuk, L.M. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2006)
    We consider ohmic contacts to the n-InSb epitaxial layers grown on a semi-insulating GaAs substrate. The ohmic contacts are formed through titanium metallization with subsequent gilding. Using the structural (AFM and XRD) ...
  • Sai, P.O. (Технология и конструирование в электронной аппаратуре, 2016)
    The key aspects of ohmic contact formation to InN-based materials were investigated. Detailed analysis of studies conducted over the past three decades, allows determining the basic principles of such contacts. The contact ...
  • Zeliha Yazıcı; Esra Sarıca; Meral Aksu; Yeşim Yurdakul (Культура народов Причерноморья, 2012)
    В статье описываются особенности формирования лингвистических навыков при обучению турецкому языку
  • Braund, D. (Археологія і давня історія України, 2015)
    This paper addresses a theme that was central to the work of Valentina Krapivina, namely the Roman period in Olbia and around the Black Sea in general. As Rostovtzeff observed long ago, and as Valentina and others have ...
  • Takasaki, K. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2012)
    This paper is focused on geometric aspects of two particular types of finite-variable reductions in the dispersionless Toda hierarchy. The reductions are formulated in terms of ''Landau-Ginzburg potentials'' that play the ...
  • Dimnik Martin (Сіверщина в історії України, 2013)
    According to chronicle information Oleg submitted to Vladimir Monomakh on three counts, each one depriving him and his descendants of important political rights. First, at Lyubech Oleg agreed to being demoted below his ...
  • Schuiling, R.D. (Мінералогічний журнал, 2011)
    Weathering of basic rocks, containing magnesium and calcium silicates, is the main mechanism to capture CO₂ in a sustainable way, with storage of organic carbon a distant second. The CO₂ emission by Man, due to the ...
  • V. Koseska-Toszewa (Мовознавство, 2011)
    Zakonczona zostala edycja wielotomowej Gramatyki konfrontatywnej bulgarsko-pobkiej (GKBP), na ktörskiada się 12 monografii, oraz Polsko-bulgarskiej gramatyki konfrontatywnej (Synteza GKBP). GKBP i Synteza — to gramatyka ...