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Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Sole, J.L.; Utzet, F. (2008)
    An explicit procedure to construct a family of martingales generated by a process with independent increments is presented. The main tools are the polynomials that give the relationship between the moments and cumulants, ...
  • Lipinskaya, A. (Економічні інновації, 2012)
    В статье рассмотрены основные вопросы в отношении системы формирования тарифов для контейнерных терминалов. Определены основные основне недостатки в существующей системе формирования тарифов. Выявлены основные направления ...
  • Kazakov, Ye.O.; Pavlenko, I.V.; Girka, I.O.; Weyssow, B. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2008)
    The problem of the conversion, reflection and transmission of the fast Alfvén wave propagating in multicomponent nonuniform plasmas is studied. The dependences of the wave scattering characteristics on the plasma composition ...
  • Filippov, V.; Grekov, D.; Olefir, V. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2018)
    An algorithm of calculation of approximating functions, which establish the one-to-one correspondence between the real coordinate mesh with arbitrary step and magnetic flux label in the whole plasma volume, was developed. ...
  • Barnsley, M.F.; Vince, A. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2015)
    The fast basin of an attractor of an iterated function system (IFS) is the set of points in the domain of the IFS whose orbits under the associated semigroup intersect the attractor. Fast basins can have non-integer dimension ...
  • Sobolenko, M.; Berczik, P.; Spurzem, R.; Kupi, G. (Кинематика и физика небесных тел, 2017)
    We present the results of theoretical modeling of supermassive black hole binary (SMBHB) mergers using direct 2 -body simulations with a Hermite integration scheme. The BH’s gravitational interaction is described based on ...
  • Malko, S.V.; Pavlov, S.S.; Tretiak, K.K. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2017)
    A new efficient technique for evaluation of complex error function of the real argument on the base of the Euler-Maclaurin formula and a non-singular formula for the principal value of the Cauchy integral is given. . It ...
  • Pavlov, S.S.; Castejón, F.; Cappa, Á.; Tereshchenko, M. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2009)
    The paper is concerned with a computation of the exact relativistic plasma dispersion functions for complex argument z = x + iy in the region Q : y ≥ 0 on the base the theory of the continued fractions of Jacobi. It is ...
  • Bender, C.M. (Symmetry, Integrability and Geometry: Methods and Applications, 2007)
    For any pair of quantum states, an initial state |Iñ and a final quantum state |Fñ, in a Hilbert space, there are many Hamiltonians H under which |Iñ evolves into |Fñ. Let us impose the constraint that the difference between ...
  • Prokopenko, I.G.; Omelchuk, I.P.; Chyrka, Yu.D.; Vovk, V.Yu. (Технология и конструирование в электронной аппаратуре, 2013)
    A method of periodical signal frequency tracking by the frequency-locked loops is proposed. Increasing of frequency adjustment accuracy is achieved by using of a new fast frequency discriminator, based on estimates of an ...
  • Fursiak, Yu.A. (Advances in Astronomy and Space Physics, 2013)
    The paper considers evolutionary features of fast-growing sunspot groups AR1618, AR1619, AR1620, and AR1640. The study consists of the analysis of magnetic fields, movements of the solar atmosphere at different levels, and ...
  • Chechkin, V.V.; Grigor’eva, L.I.; Sorokovoy, E.L.; Sorokovoy, Ye.L.; Beletskii, A.A.; Slavnyj, A.S.; Burchenko, P.Ya.; Lozin, A.V.; Tsybenko, S.A.; Litvinov, A.P.; Kulaga, A.Ye.; Mironov, Yu.K.; Romanov, V.S.; Kurilo, D.V. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2006)
    In the l=3 U-3M torsatron with RF produced and heated plasmas, a two-temperature ion energy distribution arises with a minor group of suprathermal ions. It is shown that a possible mechanism of fast ion generation is ...
  • Kalantaryan, O.; Kononenko, S.; Zhurenko, V.; Zheltopyatova, N. (Functional Materials, 2014)
    We studied silica implanted by 420 keV H⁺ and 210 keV H⁺ ions up to absorption doses 3.5⋅ 10²¹ particles per cm³ by ionoluminescence technique. We used some probe beams of molecular and atomic hydrogen ions for luminescence ...
  • Zhmurin, P.N.; Eliseev, D.A.; Lebedev, V.N.; Pereymak, V.N.; Svidlo, O.V.; Velmozhnaya, E.S. (Functional Materials, 2016)
    A fast plastic scintillator (PS) on combined base, consisting of 60 wt.% polystyrene and 40 wt.% N-tolylcarbazole, is presented. Relatively to known fast PS, in which luminescence quenching method is used to reduce the ...
  • Zadorozhna, L.V. (Advances in Astronomy and Space Physics, 2015)
    Cosmic strings are topological defects, relicts of the early Universe, which can be formed during phase transitions of fields with spontaneous broken symmetry. There also exists a special class of cosmic strings - ...
  • Hatamleh Hazem (Системні дослідження та інформаційні технології, 2012)
    The problem of nonlinearity identification in experimental data is considered with application of appropriate statistical tests. An analysis of known statistical nonlinearity test is presented that is based on Fisher ...
  • Moiseenko, V.E.; Nemov, V.V.; Kalyuzhnyi, V.N.; Ågren, O. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2014)
    The magnetic configuration of a stellarator with an embedded magnetic mirror is arranged in the Uragan-2M experimental device by switching off one toroidal coil. The motion of particles magnetically trapped in the embedded ...
  • Zhilyaev, B.; Romanyuk, Ya.; Svyatogorov, O.; Verlyuk, I.; Alekseev, I.; Lovkaya, M.; Avgoloupis, S.; Contadakis, M.; Seiradakis, J.; Antov, A.; Konstantinova-Antova, R. (Кинематика и физика небесных тел, 2003)
  • Kazakov, Ye.O.; Pavlenko, I.V.; Girka, I.O.; Weyssow, B. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2008)
    The ICRF mode conversion heating scenario relevant to the start-up phase of ITER operation is studied. The 1D theory of fast wave (FW) propagation in fusion plasmas is applied to study the inverted ICRF (³He)H scenario ...
  • Білоус, Н. (Український історичний журнал, 2020)
    Рецензія на книгу: Faszination Stadt: Die Urbanisierung Europas im Mittelalter und das Magdeburger Recht: Katalog / Herausgegeben von G.Köster, Ch.Link. – Dresden: Sandstein Verlag, 2019. – 808 S. (Чари міста: Урбанізація ...