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Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Ostroushko, V. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2015)
    Two different types of electron motion are considered: the one-dimensional motion in the electric field, which time dependence differs from sinusoidal one through instant jumps of phase, and the three-dimensional motion ...
  • Astashynski, V.M.; Ananin, S.I.; Chebotarev, V.V.; Cherednychenko, T.N.; Ieliseiev, D.V.; Garkusha, I.E.; Kulik, N.V.; Ladygina, M.S.; Marchenko, A.K.; Morgal, Ia.I.; Petrov, Yu.V.; Solyakov, D.G.; Stal’tsov, V.V. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2013)
    In present paper, results of experimental investigations of energy characteristics of plasma stream, generated by magnetoplasma compressor (MPC) are presented. It is shown that total energy contained in the plasma stream ...
  • Ryzhikov, V.; Starzhinskiy, N.; Katrunov, K.; Grinyov, B.; Nekrasov, V.; Silin, V.; Spasov, V.; Galich, Yu.; Verbitskiy, O.; Zenya, I. (Functional Materials, 2004)
    In a broad energy range of X-ray radiation (U = 2 175 kV), we have studied output characteristics (light output, quantum yield of luminescence, etc.) of scintillators based on ZnSe crystals, as well as scintillators ...
  • Zhovtyansky, V.A.; Anisimova, O.V.; Khomych, V.O.; Lelyukh, Yu.I.; Nazarenko, V.G.; Tkachenko, Ya.V. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2011)
    The ultimate goal of this study is optimization of the modification processes, namely the constructional details’ surface nitriding, based on the using of glow discharge (GD). These processes are studied both experimentally ...
  • Dehghani, M.; Montazeri, Z.; Malik, O.P. (Електротехніка і електромеханіка, 2019)
    Purpose. Energy consumption is one of the criteria for determining the quality of life in a country. Continued supply of energy and the possibility of long-term access to resources require a comprehensive plan. One of the ...
  • Pashnev, V.K.; Burchenko, P.Ya.; Lozin, A.V.; Kotsubanov, V.D.; Kulaga, A.Ye.; Krasnyj, V.V.; Mironov, Yu.K.; Nikol’skii, I.K.; Petrushenya, A.A.; Romanov, V.S.; Sitnikov, D.A.; Sorokovoy, Ed.L.; Tsybenko, S.A.; Zamanov, N.V. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2008)
    Energy confinement time of plasma in torsatron U-3M was measured both during quasi-stationary stady of RF-discharge and after RF-power cut-off. Power absorbed by plasma in the confinement region was estimated. A mechanism ...
  • Okaryachenko, A.P. (Економічний вісник Донбасу, 2013)
    This article has highlighted the need for analysis of the total energy consumption in the domestic economy, studied the power consumption in the economy of Ukraine for the 2002 - 2011 years, shows the trend in the volume ...
  • Giginyak, Yu.G.; Lukashanets, Dz.A.; Borodin, O.I.; Miamin, V.E.; Baichorov, V.M. (Український антарктичний журнал, 2019)
    Objective.To determine the energy value of several groups of the East Antarctic sea biota and identify potential calorific differences in the context of both taxa and ecological groups. Methodology. Sampling was carried ...
  • Kazakyavichyus, K.A. (Проблемы прочности, 1985)
    The present study is devoted to methods of evaluating the thermal stability of a material as it applies to conditions of nonstationary loading under transitional operating regimes of refractories.
  • Olshansky, V. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2018)
    The results of a computer simulation of energy dissipation in helicon plasma at near field of an antenna are presented. Results are reported for a double-half-turn antenna, and comparison is made to a double-saddle-coil antenna ...
  • Cherno, O.O.; Monchenko, M.Yu. (Технічна електродинаміка, 2016)
    The paper deals with the investigation of vibratory device electromagnetic drive system energy characteristics. By means of numerical simulation of electromechanical processes, the values of the electromagnetic vibrator ...
  • Voitovich, M.V. (Труды Института прикладной математики и механики, 2012)
    We consider a class of nonlinear elliptic fourth-order equations with the principal part satisfying a strengthened coercivity condition, absorption and a lower-order term. It is supposed that the lowerorder term of the ...
  • Virchenko, Yu.P.; Lam Tan Phat (Functional Materials, 2017)
    The stochastic model that describes radiative heat transfer in dielectric medium is analyzed. The model is based on the representation that heat transfer is realized both by its heat conductivity and by electromagnetic ...
  • Hedrih (Stevanović), K. (Український математичний журнал, 2008)
    The study of the transfer of energy between subsystems coupled in hybrid system is very important for different applications. This paper presents an analytical analysis of the transfer of energy between linear and nonlinear ...
  • Ammerlaan, C.A.J. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2003)
    Numerical calculations are presented for the energy levels of the rare-earth ion Er³⁺ in a crystalline field of cubic symmetry. A distinction is made between the five different point groups within the system of cubic ...
  • Kivshar, Y. (Физика низких температур, 2018)
    This paper reflects on some memories of the research topics developed at Department No. 29 of the Institute for Low Temperature Physics and Engineering in Kharkov more than 30 years ago. It also provides some recent advances ...
  • Averkov, Yu.O.; Prokopenko, Yu.V.; Shmat’ko, A.A.; Yakovenko, V.M. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2021)
    In this work, the excitation problem of bulk-surface helicons by a point magnetic dipole moving in a vacuum parallel to the element of magnetized solid-state plasma cylinder is theoretically studied. The external magnetic ...
  • Kononenko, S.I.; Kalantaryan, O.V.; Zhurenko, V.P. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2005)
    In this paper, we present the results of measurements of the secondary emission electrons (SEE) coefficients and electron energy distributions in the forward and backward directions. The measurements were carried out in ...
  • Staschuk, V.S.; Kononchuk, G.L.; Poperenko, L.V.; Stukalenko, V.V.; Filipov, Y.V. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2009)
    The diffraction losses of laser mirrors were determined by using specially designed spectrometer of spatial frequencies. Reflection surface (70 mm diameter) was made by diamond microgrinding, but instead of an ideal ...
  • Kononets, N.V.; Seminko, V.V.; Maksimchuk, P.O.; Bespalova, I.I.; Klochkov, V.K.; Malyukin, Yu.V. (Физика низких температур, 2018)
    Peculiarities of electronic excitation energy migration in phosphate nanocrystals with three-dimensional (EuPO₄) and one-dimensional (EuP₃O₉) arrangement of regular ions under variation of concentration of both energy traps ...