Перегляд за назвою

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Vasilev, A.N.; Chalyi, A.V. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2006)
    We investigate multicomponent finite-size liquid systems with geometry of plane-parallel layer and cylinder. We consider these systems are being affected by weak external field which causes their anisotropy. For these systems ...
  • Babich, A.V.; Berezovsky, S.V.; Kitcenko, L.N.; Klepikov, V.F. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2012)
    The model that allows one to generalize the notions of the multicritical and Lifshitz points is considered. The model under consideration includes the higher powers and derivatives of order parameters. Critical phenomena ...
  • Izmailian, N.; Kenna, R. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2014)
    It is well known that the imposition of a constraint can transform the properties of critical systems. Early work on this phemomenon by Essam and Garelick, Fisher, and others, focused on the effects of constraints on the ...
  • Babich, A.V.; Klepikov, V.F. (Problems of Atomic Science and Technology, 2022)
    A class of models, which describe the critical phenomena in anisotropic multidimensional systems with both higher-order spatial order parameter (OP) derivatives and higher OP nonlinearities is proposed. Such models may be ...
  • Gózdz, W.T.; Ciach, A. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2016)
    We have calculated the values of critical packing fractions for the mixtures of symmetric non-additive hard disks. An interesting feature of the model is the fact that the internal energy is zero and the phase transitions ...
  • Heidarkhani, S.; Ge, B. (Український математичний журнал, 2014)
    We establish the existence of at least three solutions for elliptic problems driven by a p(x)-Laplacian. The existence of at least one nontrivial solution is also proved. The approaches are based on the variational methods ...
  • Chabaniuk, V.S.; Polyvach, K.A. (Cybernetics and computer engineering, 2020)
    The purpose of the paper is to prove the claim that for the management of territories in modern conditions should be used not GIS in the “narrow” sense, but GIS of the new generation, in particular GIS in the “broader” ...
  • Marcuzzi, M.; Gambassi, A. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2014)
    We revisit here the problem of the collective non-equilibrium dynamics of a classical statistical system at a critical point and in the presence of surfaces. The effects of breaking separately space- and time-translational ...
  • Leleko, Yu.Ya.; Gann, V.V. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2020)
    The theory of standing waves of nuclear combustion in reactors having a flat, cylindrical or spherical shape of the core is developed. A spherical standing wave occurs when nuclear burning propagates radially from the ...
  • Dudka, M.; Folk, R.; Holovatch, Yu.; Moser, G. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2005)
    We study the purely relaxational critical dynamics with non-conserved order parameter (model A critical dynamics) for three-dimensional magnets with disorder in a form of the random anisotropy axis. For the random ...
  • Prudnikov, P.V.; Prudnikov, V.V. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2006)
    The field-theoretic description of dynamic critical effects of the disorder on acoustic anomalies near the temperature of second-order phase transition is considered for three-dimensional Ising-like systems. The ...
  • Folk, R.; Moser, G. (Condensed Matter Physics, 1999)
    The behaviour of sound is explained within the dynamical renormalization group theory. Non-asymptotic effects are due to the deviation of renormalized couplings from their fixed point values. We calculate the temperature and ...
  • Calabrese, P.; Orlov, E.V.; Pakhnin, D.V.; Sokolov, A.I. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2005)
    The critical behavior of the two-dimensional N-vector cubic model is studied within the field-theoretical renormalization-group (RG) approach. The β functions and critical exponents are calculated in the five-loop ...
  • Folk, R. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2000)
    We consider the critical properties of fluids induced by the critical fluctuations in the order parameter. The theory describes the crossover from the analytic background behaviour to the universal asymptotic behaviour of ...
  • Кунченко, В.В.; Андреев, А.А.; Кунченко, Ю.В.; Картмазов, Г.Н. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2004)
    CrNх покрытия различной стехиометрии получены методом вакуумно-дугового осаждения. Изучено влияние основных параметров (давление азота PN = 0…0,6 Па, температура подложки ТП = 150….600 °С, её потенциал UП = -15…-120 В) ...
  • Aung, H.H.; Wang, C.Z.; Ni, M.; Fishbein, A.; Mehendale, S.R.; Xie, J.T.; Shoyama, C.Y.; Yuan, C.S. (Experimental Oncology, 2007)
    Aim: To investigate the anti-proliferative effects of Crocus sativus extract and its major constituent, crocin, on three colorectal cancer cell lines (HCT-116, SW-480, and HT-29). The cell growth inhibition effect was ...
  • Kovalenko, S.I. (Економічні інновації, 2015)
    Досліджено механізм трансплантації інститутів мережевої економіки як необхідний чинник зростання конкурентоспроможності єврорегіонів в умовах євроінтеграції України. На основі інституційного підходу обґрунтовано, що ...
  • Krzyzanowska, I. (Algebra and Discrete Mathematics, 2018)
    A method for computing the algebraic number of cross-cap singularities for mapping from m-dimensional compact manifold with boundary M ⊂ Rᵐ into R²ᵐ⁻¹, m is odd, is presented. As an application, the intersection number of ...
  • Bondarenko, L.; Kahan, M. (Культура народов Причерноморья, 2012)
    Кросс-культурная прагматика и межкультурные импликации играют важную роль в обучении английскому языку как иностранному в рамках использования коммуникативного подхода.
  • Emily C. Fossum; Lyon B. King (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2006)
    An electron trapping apparatus was constructed in order to study electron dynamics in the defining electric and magnetic fields of a Hall-effect thruster. The approach presented here decouples the cross-field mobility ...