Перегляд за назвою

Сортувати за: Порядок: Результатів:

  • Череватський, Д.Ю. (Економіка промисловості, 2020)
    Статтю присвячено пошуку зручного аргументу однофакторної виробничої функції шахти. Для побудови однофакторних виробничих функцій як аргумент запропоновано використовувати складене благо (compositum mixtum), вартість якого ...
  • Lurchenko, N.P.; Glushchenko, N.M.; Buchynska, L.G. (Experimental Oncology, 2014)
    Aim: To study the tumor microenvironment (CD4⁺, CD8⁺ and FOXP3⁺ lymphocytes) and FOXP3 expression by tumor cells and correlation of studied parameters with clinical and morphological characteristics of endometrial ...
  • Prokopenko, I.V.; Kislovskii, E.N.; Olikhovskii, S.I.; Tkach, V.M.; Lytvyn, P.M.; Vladimirova, T.P. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2000)
    We used X-ray diffraction method of total rocking curves and nondestructive direct observation techniques (atomic force and scanning electron microscopies) to quantitatively determine the defect characteristics (radii and ...
  • Bychkov, V.A.; Nikitina, E.G.; Ibragimova, M.K.; Kaigorodova, E.V.; Choinzonov, E.L.; Litviakov, N.V. (Experimental Oncology, 2016)
    An etiological role of high risk human papillomavirus (HPV) in the development of cervical cancer has been well established. Hence, attention of researchers has been focused on the role of HPV in pathogenesis of other ...
  • Plechawska-Wójcik, M. (Штучний інтелект, 2011)
    The article presents a review of methods of MALDI-TOF data. There are many steps of mass spectrometry data analysis. It is complex task and it should cover several platforms. It is important to do comprehensive analysis ...
  • Logutova, T.; Poltoratskyi, M. (Економічний вісник Донбасу, 2015)
    The article considers theoretical and practical aspects of modernization of railway transport owned by industrial and transport companies that will allow to raise competitive capacity of the companies due to decrease in ...
  • Boltovets, N.S.; Voitsikhovskyi, D.I.; Konakova, R.V.; Milenin, V.V.; Makara, V.A.; Rudenko, O.V.; Mel’nichenko, M.M. (Semiconductor Physics Quantum Electronics & Optoelectronics, 2001)
    Using the Lang technique of x-ray topography, double-crystal x-ray spectrometry and selective chemical etching, we investigated the defect production in silicon epitaxial structures grown on the n⁺-Si substrates (surface ...
  • Guo, A.F.; Li, J.F.; Li, F.Y.; Xu, J.; Zhang, C.W.; Chen, S. (Проблемы прочности, 2019)
    Thermoplastic starch-based composites generate worldwide interest as they are based on green raw materials and undergo complete degradation. The composites were first fabricated from starch and sisal fibers as the major ...
  • Huang, S.H.; Chai, S.X.; Xia, X.S.; Chen, Q.; Shu, D.Y. (Проблемы прочности, 2016)
    To reveal compression deformation behavior of pure copper, the deformation characteristics of pure copper have been investigated by means of compression tests in the temperature range of 400–900°C and strain rate range of ...
  • Marchenko, A.K.; Chebotarev, V.V.; Ladygina, M.S.; Garkusha, I.E.; Petrov, Yu.V.; Solyakov, D.G.; Staltsov, V.V,; Tereshin, V.I.; Hassanein, A. (2010)
    Present work is devoted to experimental investigations of the plasma compression zone dynamics and its influence on radiation characteristics. The construction of magneto-plasma compressor (MPC) of compact geometry with ...
  • Marchenko, A.K.; Ladygina, M.S.; Garkusha, I.E.; Petrov, Yu.V.; Solyakov, D.G.; Cherednichenko, T.N.; Makhlaj, V.A.; Chebotarev, V.V.; Staltsov, V.V.; Yelisyeyev, D.V.; Krauz, V.I. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2014)
    This paper presents analysis of compression zone formation in plasma streams generated by compact magnetoplasma compressor operating with argon and helium. The main aim for this investigation is characterization of plasma ...
  • Dobes, F.; Kratochvil, P.; Milicka, K. (Проблемы прочности, 2008)
    High-temperature creep ofa Fe3Al-type iron aluminide alloyed by zirconium was studied in the temperature range 873-1073 K. The alloy contained (wt.%) 31.5% Al, 3.5% Cr, 0.25% Zr, 0.19% C (Fe balance). It was tested in two ...
  • Cao, D.F.; Liu, L.S.; Liu, Q.W.; Li, S.X. (Проблемы прочности, 2015)
    Under repeated impact loading, SiC particle-reinforced aluminum matrix composites (SiCp/Al) experience severe plastic strains, which can lead to local changes in their microstructure. Microstructure variations have a ...
  • Zhang Jin; Xue Zhong; Zhang Yanlin; Song Deqing (Functional Materials, 2016)
    Compression tests were conducted on cassava stems with a universal testing machine in order to determine their compressive strength limits, or the points at which the stems began to deform plastically. Based on the test, ...
  • Shilyaev, B.A.; Ulybkin, A.L.; Rybka, A.V.; Kovtun, K.V.; Kutny, V.E.; Pudov, A.O.; Kutny, K.V. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2017)
    The article examines the processes of radiative neutron capture by nuclei of atoms of metallic rhodium and hafnium. Rhodium is used as the emitter in the direct charge detectors of neutrons, which are used to control the ...
  • Bondarenco, M.V. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2012)
    It is argued that W/Z boson production in ultra-relativistic pp collisions in the fragmentation region, subject to a kinematic cut on the boson transverse momentum Q┴ > Q┴min, with 1 GeV/c << Q┴min, << MW/Z, must be dominated ...
  • Drebot, I.; Grigor'ev, Yu.; Zelinsky, A. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2009)
    Results of integration of Lorentz force equation for a relativistic electron, moving in the field of running, plane, linear polarized electromagnetic wave are presented in the paper. It is shown that electron velocities ...
  • Drebot, I.; Karnaukhov, I.; Zelinsky, A. (Вопросы атомной науки и техники, 2004)
    Compton scattering of polarized photon beam by polarized relativistic electron beam is considered in the report. The numerical comparison of Compton scattering intensity and polarization intensity has been carried out for ...
  • Samulyak, R.V.; Bo, W.; Li, X.; Kirk, H.; McDonald, K. (Condensed Matter Physics, 2010)
    An interface-tracking numerical algorithm for the simulation of magnetohydrodynamic multiphase / free surface flows in the low-magnetic-Reynolds-number approximation of (Samulyak R., Du J., Glimm J., Xu Z., J. Comp. Phys., ...
  • Babichev, S.A.; Kornelyuk, A.I.; Lytvynenko, V.I.; Osypenko, V.V. (Вiopolymers and Cell, 2016)
    Aim. The article presents the researches on the optimization of the DNA microarray data processing, which is aimed at improving the quality of object clustering. Methods. Data preprocessing was performed with program R ...